12- Camera Confessions

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*no gif for today, but have this cute Pidge fan art! art by radicles*

|Word count- 2808

Warnings- Mild swearing, may cause a very gay heart attack

Your legs burned and your heart pounded against your ribcage as you ran down corridors and turned corners. Rumbles and blast shook the castle and sent you stumbling around, but you gained your composure every time.

You were close to the green lion's hanger, only a little longer. You look ahead and find the last-hopefully-corner, and decided to slow your pace when reaching it.

It was a blessing when you did.

You were breathing quickly, lungs and throat burning when you reach the corner, palm on the cold metal as you strive to catch your breath. You squeezed your eyes shut and took in a huge, and a painful gulp of air before standing up and stretching your arms above your head. You heard a satisfying pop and proceed on, continuing in a slow pace before you started into a jog.

"God, I need to work out more," you muttered. "Maybe I could join Pidge and the others when they train,"

Sure, you had trained with Shiro, but with his new attitude, you had refused any offers from him. Keith was, from Will's experience, very hard and tough so that was a definite hell no. Lance had come to mind, but you never had the chance to ask, and you never thought he was much of a trainer, despite him being a good person to ask for advice of shooting; not that you didn't think less of him, you loved him like a friendly family member.

You reached the hanger and pressed the panel as the door slid open. Coran and Shiro stood, watching the hanger door as the green lion's eyes grew to a bright yellow as you entered. It was sitting, towering over all of you.

"Hey, Green," you said, patting the lion's large, metal paw. It gave a small, inaudible purr as you reached Coran and Shiro, standing a few feet from the two.

"Coran, shouldn't you be on the main deck?" you question, raising an eyebrow at the orange haired man.

He gave a small nod. "You are correct, but we have more important matters. We have no green paladin and we never know if we may need Voltron."

You tilted your head to the side, not quite understanding what he was getting at. "What do you mean, Coran?"

"What Coran is saying is, we may need you as a backup green Paladin," Shiro responded, looking at you with an expecting look.

Your mouth fell open. "But I have no experience! I can't drive for God's sake, let alone fly a robotic lion! And-and! Green doesn't even like me!"

Coran held up his hands as to calm your frantic manner. You shut your mouth, but your eyes stayed wide.

"No need to shout, Y/n. We know very well you have no experience, but the Paladins, especially Shiro, showed great success in the first days of being a Paladin. It shouldn't be so hard for you to learn in a few minutes."

"You are obviously overhyping human intelligence," you muttered. Both men heard and both chuckled.

Shiro nudges Coran and he perks up. "Oh yes, and I've noticed you have quite a friendship with Number 5, so bonding with the green lion shouldn't be a problem!"

Your face began to heat up at the mention of your, very platonic, relationship with the techie. Sure, you two hung out whenever you could, but it was nothing more than a simple friendship, similar to yours and Will's; at least, that's what you thought.

"Hey, our friendship is very platonic!" you shouted, annoyance in your tone. Shiro gave a smile and Coran chuckled, patting your head with his hand before turning to the lion, hand clasped behind his back; very formal you noted.

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