14- Romantic Confrontation-Pt 2

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*again, not the usual gif, but hey, its the second part of the last one, so why not use the same one*

|Word count- 1650

Warnings- FLUFF, swearing, #gay

The silence was deafening.

The only sound was yours and Pidge's breathing, but you tuned it out, your thoughts taking over your mind as you stared down into Pidge's eyes, noticing the bewildered, shocked, and maybe even slightly happy or relieved, look in her eyes.

Did you just, kiss her? Pidge was shocked, bewildered, surprised, maybe a slight bit scared, but underneath all the emotions, she was, giddy, happy even.

You liked her! You liked her back!

But Pidge did not expect a kiss. No, that was not how she imagined it; yes, she imagined it before. The 'confession' wasn't as graceful as in the movies, or how it played out in Pidge's head, but it was something, right? Pidge had imagined it as more just dialogue and not actual, physical, contact, but hey, Pidge liked your way of confession a tad more than her own.

'What the fuck am I doing!?' your brain screamed. Your breath hitched again and you proceeded to scramble from atop Pidge, leaning against the metal wall once again. You were breathing quick, like you'd just ran a marathon, and your heart was beating through your chest.

"Pidge! I-I'm so so sorry!" you quickly stammered, flailing your hands like a madman.

Pidge sat up, her face as flushed as red as the Red Lion. Her glass was slightly askew on the bride of her nose and all she could do was stare at you.

You were terrified of what was to come. Sure, you had learned of Pidge's feeling towards you, but what if Pidge had stopped liking you? What if you made her uncomfortable? What if she hated you now?!

"Oh God, I fucked up so bad, oh my God. Jesus kill me now," you grumbled to yourself as quietly as you could. Pidge heard you, but paid no mind to your words, still shocked as she blinked her eyes quickly.

Her lips buzzed, and so did yours. Pidge's mind raced, and she continued to stare, which only caused you to grow more concerned.

'please just say something, you're killing me,'

A longer silence followed, and you grew more and more concerned as the minutes dragged on, Pidge not speaking and your heart pounding against your chest. You could hear your own rushed breathing, and that's what filled the silence.

'someone please, interrupt us, for God's sake, please'

Pidge stayed silent. You were trying to muster up the audacity to say something, anything. Nothing came. You had really fucked up, and you found no way back, or out of your dilemma, and you just continued to panic.

A few more moments of silence and you decided to speak without thinking. "Well? Yell, scream, say something. Anything!"

That snapped Pidge from her gaze; finally.

"Can-Can you do that again?" she asked carefully. You could not believe what you were hearing.

You were still as you sat, contemplating over her words, running over them more than once.

"E-Excuse me?" it came out ruder then you intended, and Pidge took notice to your tone, nearly immediately regretting her decision. She turned her head away from your gaze, looking to grab her laptop once again.

You watched as Pidge began to reach for her laptop, causing you panic, scurrying forward and grabbing her wrist before she could, her gaze snapping to yours.

Saudade|Pidge X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now