4- Not everything goes as planned

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*Pidge, trying to find your new coordinates*
(I couldn't find the right picture, but this was close enough)

|Word count- 1571

Warnings- Mild swearing

3rd person PV

"Come on!" Lance yells as quietly as he can. He stomps his foot onto the ground angrily and Hunk looks at him in concern.

"Where is Haggar and Y/n?" Shiro questions and Pidge looks down at her screen.

"Two rights and three lefts from here," Pidge states, not taking her eyes off the screen. It wasn't a rescue mission if something didn't go wrong.

Shiro nods grimly.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go get Y/n!" Lance exclaims, throwing a fist in the air.

"It's not that simple. Y/n is with Haggar, you know, the witch with dark magic." Keith explains, crossing his arms over his chest. Lance rolls his eyes and folds his arms over his chest.

"What if we waited till Haggar left and then snuck in a retrieved Y/n?" Pidge suggests. Shiro contemplates the idea for a moment before nodding.

"That may work, but who knows when she'll leave," Shiro suggests.

"Form a distraction. Have something explode and then she'll be forced to leave because it will be bad, right?" Hunk says.

Lance starts to bounce from foot to foot. "I call dibs on exploding something!"

The others smile and roll their eyes, while Will sends a small smile.

"Then its settled. Pidge, send me the coordinates for Y/n's location." Shiro asks, turning his head to the girl. She nods and starts typing away with her fingers on the screen.

Shiro turns back to the others. "Hunk, Lance, you take Will back to the green lion and Pidge will fly you back before coming back for me, Keith, and Y/n."

Everyone nods, but Will frowns. "I want to help get Y/n back."

Shiro shakes his head. "No, Will, I'm sorry. You're injured and we can't risk you getting hurt."


"Will, please, for Y/n's sake." Pidge cuts in and Will looks down before replying with a small nod. His hair falls in front of his face, hiding the small frown and sad eyes his face held.

He finally looks back up and his face a solemn one. "Just please get her back."

Pidge nods and Shiro places a hand on his shoulder. "We will. I promise."

Will was tempted to tell him not to make promises he couldn't keep, but he decided against it. "Thank you."


Your PV

Another cell. Another god damn cell.

Haggar was done questioning you and she needed to tend to her own business. You were glad she was gone, her presence was horrible enough without her magic.

Your back was against the wall and your arms rested on your knees. Your chin was touching your chest and your hair fell in front of your face.

"Her questioning methods are jacked as hell," you speak to no one. Your body didn't ache as much, but the pain was still there. You didn't care, you only cared about what was happening to Will.

Was he okay? Was he being questioned? Was he hurt? You didn't know.

You chuckled to yourself. "You know, bitch rhymes with witch. What a coincidence."

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