18- The Past

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*pidge when she makes you flustered*

|Word count- 1779

|Warnings- mentions of murder, swearing, fluff, probably out of character pidge(im sorryyy), also not edited cause im lazy as hell rn

"She killed the king!"

"She wouldn't kill her own brother!"

"She would if she wanted all the light from Zron himself!"

"Silence! I won't have you disrespecting the queen in this sacred cathedral!"

You woke with a start, your hair stuck to your forehead with sweat. The darkness loomed over you and you were hit with a sudden pit feeling in your stomach, one you knew as fear. Your shirt was pushed oddly up your back and your blankets wrapped oddly around your body. You sighed and threw your legs over the side of the bed, bringing your comforter along with you. You groan and kick it off, not caring that you'll have to clean it up later. Standing from the bed the cold hits your bare limbs and you almost crawl back into the warm, safe cocoon that is your comforter.

Horizon was shut off on your desk, nestled in a pile of dirty clothes. Next to her lay a picture, of you and none other than the green paladin, your arm draped over Pidge's shoulder. A blush spreads across your face and you turn away from the desk and the photo, your (ecolor) gaze landing on the door.


Your legs seem to listen to your brain and move you forward, your eyes watching as the door slid open in front of you. You peek out into the dark hallway, the only light an illuminating blue, and you hear nothing but silence.

"Just in and out, no dilly-dallying," you whispered quietly to no one other then yourself and probably the ghosts lurking around as well. You step into the hall and turn to the right and begin on your way. The cold doesn't hold back, and the silence and the chill send chills up your spine, your arms wrapping around you for any warmth; which provides little to none. You begin to wish you'd brought a blanket, and you contemplate turning around to get one, but you're too far on your way. You shrug sadly and decide to brave the cold. 

The halls echo around you, every step so loud and thundering to your ears; you'd wish you'd brought Horizon to help soothe your nerves. And to distract you from the dream you had just woken up from. 

The words 'kill' and 'queen' kept replaying over and over in your head, sending you spiraling into a void you didn't want to be in at all. But the word 'brother' sent you into an entirely new frame of mind. 

What brother? As far as you knew you had no parents, or siblings for that matter, so how in the unholy hell did you kill anybody? Sure, you've killed Galra sentries and a select few living Galra, but you had no recollection of killing any 'brother' of yours. You don't even remember having a brother for God's sake! 

"I'm overthinking this," you whispered quietly to yourself, shaking your head at your antics. By that time you had reached the small dining and kitchen area, the door sliding open to let you enter. The lights flickered on around you, bathing the room in a pale yellow light as you walked over to the fridge in the farthest corner and threw the door open. You scanned through the contents, finding some, if anything, that appealed to you. You saw a container of strange pink fruits next to a bottle of what you suspected to be nunvil, and you slowly pulled them out to inspect them.

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