16- Emotions-Pt 2

842 14 14

*Pidge when she's mad at Lance*

|Word count- 1403

|Warnings- none, a little gay tho

n/n- nickname

Once Will had finished eating, giving Hunk another hug and placing his arm lazily around Lance's shoulder, he turned to you. "Yo, n/n, how've you been?"

Pidge pulled her arm away from your shoulders, letting you shift on your feet to a more comfortable position. "It's been like hell without you here, but I've managed. I'm glad your better, though,"

Will beams, pulling his arm off Lance and striding towards you.

"Here comes the hug,"

He envelopes you in a hug that practically lifts you off the ground, his arms tightening around you, squeezing your arms into your sides. You ignored the pain until you could no longer breathe, telling him to set you down.

After a moment, he did, ruffling your hair as you smiled. You liked seeing him around and alive, it gave you a sense of happiness. Will smiled, seeming to feel the same way before he turned his body to face the others.

"So, what have I missed?" he asked, folding his arms across his chest.

The trio burst into a whirlwind of mashed together words, each one shouting over the other. Will frowned before laughing as he stepped forward and gestured with his hands for them to lower it down and that, "I'm about ready to go back into that pod, it's so loud."

You laughed from the sidelines, crossing your arms across your chest as you scanned over your friends. Your eyes landed on Pidge, who was explaining everything he'd missed over the past few weeks; or maybe it was months, you could never tell what time was in space. You couldn't help but smile, never taking notice to Will's side glance in your direction.

After Pidge finally finished her explosion of words, she took in a breath and smiled, causing you all to laugh. Such an interesting girl; whom of which you liked and had kissed just moments before. You smiled, looking to the ground. Will flung his arm across your shoulder, leaning closer to your face to whisper into your ear.

"Did something else happen while I was gone? Hmm?" he asked and your cheeks flushed red as he laughed.

Will straightened as he spoke. "So something did happen,"

You lightly punched him the shoulder, watching him laugh in amusement at your reaction. Lance seemed to perk up, anchoring his body towards you two, a questioning gaze on his features.

"What happened? Did I miss something again?!" he fussed, pushing out his bottom lip in a pout.

"Nah, nothing happened, I was just screwing with her. Anyway, I want to get out of these clothes,  so I'll be heading out. Bye Y/n, bye guys."

He waved as he left, the door sliding shut behind him, and left you four alone. You felt like you had seen him for only a short time, and did miss him a lot already; you were worried something would happen when you weren't there to stop it.

"What a buzz kill. I just wanted to hang out with my bro," Lance whined, giving a small pout. You laughed, though nodding in agreement. Hunk looked at him, a look of utter disbelief on his face.

"What about me?"

Lance, suddenly aware of Hunk's presence next to him, jerked his head in his friend's direction, a look of guilt and surprise on his face. "Shit, Hunk! You know I love you too, I would never forget about you!"

Hunk blushed and smiled happily, picking Lance up into a hug. Lance smiled back, but it soon fell to a small, raised lip, his eyes not as bright as they normally were; not that anyone noticed.

You laughed at the two's antics, and Pidge laughed as well, making some sarcastic comment back at them.

Hunk let Lance go, letting him down gently as to not hurt him. Lance smiled, looking to his best friend before looking to Pidge and opening his arms, awaiting a hug. Pidge visibly grimaced, taking a step backward. You moved around, placing your palms against her shoulders and pushing her in Lance's direction.

She screamed and jumped out of your grasp and to the side. You laughed as Lance side tackled her, sending the two nearly to the ground. Without warning, large arms wrapped around your frame and lifted you off the ground. You squealed, hearing Hunk's laugh in your ear.

"Aw, hi Hunk," you spoke with a smile. Hunk smiled, tightening his grip before letting you go. You placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled.

"Lanceeee, let me goooo," Pidge whined, trying to push on his arms.

"Never!" he screamed.

You laughed, simply ignoring the two as you started up a conversation with Hunk. You two talked about the other day's mission, finding it quite funny how they messed up, but made it work. 

"Remember how Keith shot that Galra ship and it literally burst into flaming metal?" Hunk explained, to which you grimaced and nodded. Keith hadn't exactly thought of how much damage a close shot could do, so, upon no further thought, he shot a blast and sent the ship into millions of pieces. A rather large piece of metal flung through the sky and Lance had to carefully dodge the oncoming danger. The two had a small argument before ignoring the other the rest of the day.

"I swear to god, the glares they gave each other, I couldn't." you laughed, Hunk joining along with you as he looked over to Lance and Pidge. Pidge had successfully gotten away from Lance, and Lance was now sprinting over to Hunk, signaling him that he needed protection.

"You brought this upon yourself," you spoke, peering around Hunk's form to see Lance with fear laced onto his face.

"Oh come on, Y/n. Help him, he's scared." Hunk spoke. You laughed, not very surprised at Hunk's choice; he cared so deeply for everyone, which was one of the reasons you liked him so much.  Groaning, but with a smile, you stepped from around Hunk and Lance took your spot to cower in fear. Pidge looked pissed, mainly annoyed, as she stalked over to Lance, who, upon seeing her, yelped in fear, hiding farther behind Hunk. You stepped in front of them, guarding them from Pidge.

"Y/n, move," Pidge ordered, but a smile played on her lips that broke through her annoyed composure. You smiled, placing your hands on your hips and staring at her with an eyebrow raised.

Pidge moved to her right and you countered, stepping to your left. This cycle repeated for only God knows how long until Pidge resulted in physically pushing you - not very hard - out of the way. You responded by grabbed her wrist, pulling her back into your chest. You wrapped your arms around her waist, securing her arms against her sides.

"Y/nnnnn!" she groaned, fully capable of escaping but deciding she wasn't going to use her skills on people she cares about, such as yourself; that, and maybe she, only a little, liked being held by you.

You laughed, and she felt your chest vibrate against her chest. She flushed, hoping Lance and Hunk didn't notice. She laughed and you hugged her tighter against you, to which she smiled. God, you really liked this girl, and you weren't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Lance and Hunk, on the other hand, both thought and agreed that it was good thing Pidge had found someone who cared for her as much as they do and how her brother and father once did. They both silently agreed that you two made the other happy.

EDIT does anyone want to be a beta reader for the potentially new Pidge x reader? I want/need two people. DM if you want! 

fuck, guys, i'm so so sorry. i truly am. thank you so so so much for 12.4k reads, like, i just checked it and i'm so amazed for everything you've done. i know my apologies are getting repetitive, but i want you all to know that i really, truly do feel guilty for not uploading in so long. this story has quite literally crashed and fucking burned, but i will not stop writing, even if it's a long ass wait. i will say that i have gotten inspiration for yet another pidge x fem!reader, but it will not be out till i at least have two or more chapters written. thank you all for staying by me and i will really try and get another chapter out. pls take this short ass chapter

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