Ahh love..... A love triangle

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*Itachi's POV*
I sat down on my bed, I need to think of a plan to get (Y/N) to fall for me. I need to win her over. There is no way and I mean NO WAY in hell that I'll let that snake freak take her from me! I smirked to myself as I thought of the perfect plan.

* Orochimaru's POV*
That damned Uchiha wants her, I must stop any chances for him to win. She'll be mine and I'm not loosing to him, I don't care if he's known her longer but she will be MINE! I began looking around to see what I can use against him to gain the upper hand, or to see what I can use to win her heart before that Uchiha taints it.

*Your POV*
I watched both males walk away. I looked to Konan and her glaze met mine. I walked to my room and Konan followed.
"Konan I feel so confused" I said as I shut the door to my room.
"Why?" She asked.
"I just don't know anymore, I mean I liked kissing Orochimaru and when I'm around him I feel butterflies, but when I'm with Itachi I feel warm and fuzzy. Like I know he'll protect me" I replied. She looked at me before she began to speak.
"Who are most comfortable with?" She asked.
"I'm most comfortable with Itachi, mainly because we've been friends for years but now that Orochimaru is around I feel like I want to get to know him more, I just need to know wether his intentions are pure. I don't want to start something and get hurt" I replied. I laid down on the floor and sighed.
"Love is so confusing" she stated.
"What do you mean? I'm not in love with any of them yet" I replied.
"Silly I know that, but you'll eventually fall in love with one of them and you'll want to create a relationship with them"
"Ugh Konan What do I do!" I ran a hand threw my hair and sighed.
"I got it!" She shouted as she sat up from my bed. I looked at her waiting to continue.
"We'll get on with it silly!" I replied
"Spend a day with them, obviously they each get their own day or else this love triangle will end badly" she said. "You can get to know Orochimaru and you'll be able to see who makes you feel warm and fuzzy. Oh I got it!!" She exclaimed clapping her hands. I looked at her once again with a straight face.
"You can double date with us!"
"Us? who's us?" I asked.
"Pain and I! You can double date with both Itachi and Orochimaru, separate occasions obviously" she replied, clapping her hands.
"Konan my best friend, you are really weird" I stated. I closed my eyes and bam! I got hit with a pillow!
"That's for calling me weird!" She said and we began to have a pillow fight.
"Oh shit everyone come quick the bitches are having a pillow fight!" Hidan shouted. He just smirked and stared at us.
"Go on continue like I'm not here" he said and leaned against the doorframe.
"PAIN!!! HIDAN'S BEING A PERV!" Konan yelled and Pain appeared and almighty pushed Hidan into the wall. We laughed and began to plan our double dates. Pain eventually came back for Konan and we faked a dramatic scene.
"Konan don't go I'll be lonely without you" I said.
"Oh my love I'll return one day and then we can be together. Goodbye my love until then" she replied as Pain took her away and we faked cried. I laughed to myself and then I realized it was my turn to make dinner. I got up and headed to the kitchen.
"Hey (Y/N)" Itachi said.
"Hey 'Tachi" I replied. I opened the fridge and began to get the ingredients out. I washed my hands and got my cooking supplies. I decided on making a stir fry with lo mein noodles. As I was getting the sharpening the knife it cut me and I dropped it.
"Ow ow ow" I said. I ran my hand under water to clean my cut, A masculine hand grabbed my hand.
"You really need to be careful, you could seriously get hurt" Itachi said.
"But 'Tachi-" I began but he cut me off.
"No buts, now I'll bandage your cut and I'll help you with dinner" he replied placing a kissing to my hand. He wrapped up my cut and cleaned the knife. Together we began dinner, normally it would have taken an hour and a half for me to finish it but it only took us an hour.
"Thanks for the help 'Tachi" I said and kissed his cheek. I set the plates down and called everyone to the dinning room to eat.
"(Y/N) what happened to your hand?" Konan asked.
"Oh I cut my hand while sharpening a knife and Itachi took care of me" I replied. Orochimaru dropped his fork.
"Are you okay?" I asked him and he stopped glaring at Itachi.
"Oh yes I'm fine, thank you for asking" I smiled as an reply and began to eat my food.
"This is really good, maybe you should take care you of dinner more often" Kisame said.
"Thanks, I can cook every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday" I replied and they nodded in agreement. We make small talk with each other. After dinner Orochimaru stayed behind to help me clean up and store the leftovers.
"I appreciate the help" I said.
"Oh no problem, I have to help my princess" he replied. I blushed, princess he called me princess. "Oh dear did I say that out loud? I'm sorry if that nickname bothers you" he added. I smiled at him and just brushed it off. We began to do the dishes. We chatted for a bit before he kissed me and said goodnight. I blushed and walked away.

*A/N: Should I write a Halloween Chapter? I know there wasn't a lot of Orochimaru in this But there will be a whole chapter for him soon. Let me know if you guys want a Halloween chapter. Oh and comment some chapter ideas. Much love Author-Chan*

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