Finding A Snake Man

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* Your POV*
I was enraged when Itachi told us that Orochimaru had abandoned us for his true desires and plans to turn on us. I paced around my room, well Itachi's room I couldn't leave him alone when he was in such a state. Konan took over dinner for me as I didn't feel comfortable cooking anymore. I knew what I needed to do, and that was find the one that did this all.
"Itachi I'll be right back" I whispered to his unconscious body, quickly I left the room and walked down the hall to his room. Just thinking about his name made me shiver with disgust.

When I reached the room I sighed and walked in, the room was a mess. Papers, test tubes and weapons were littered everywhere, the room was a war zone. Was the room always messy like this? I shook my head at the thoughts that pulled in. I don't really remember the way the room looked, too many disappoints in here. I reached the desk that was park in the dark corner, turning on the light I felt the small wave of ominous energy around me disappear as the light shines on the messy desk. The papers shone brightly despite the dark ink chicken scratch that littered the papers.

I sorted through them and couldn't believe what I read, "He has twins? They are Aiko's siblings!" I said to myself. "He's using them for experimental gain!" I slammed my hands down on the desk, trying to contain myself and my emotions, I can not react rationally, I must calm down and focus on finding out the truth.

"I knew you'd be in here" he spoke to me, I quickly turned around.
"What do you think is going on?" I asked "why?! Why did you do all this? Hurt Itachi? Hurt me?" I shouted and he just smirked.
"If you want answers you'll have to find the real one" it said before disappearing. The real one huh? I can do that. I just need to leave without telling anyone. I walked out of the room, taking the papers and files about Aiko and her siblings with me. I'll need to learn all that I can before starting out to find him. I don't know what I'm more nervous about, finding out the truth or seeing him? He made my heart skip a beat and he made me feel like I was everything but then again, he did cause me a lot of trouble already. I don't know if I could handle anymore heart break, he might want something I can't give him. I walked into my room and sat down, tuning a hand through my hair I cried. This was so stressful, I thought I liked the guy and he liked me but he started to make things complicated by going off on his own and acting crazy like. I let out all my anger and frustrations into my hands, I couldn't move on.

I sighed as I stopped whining and stood up, from my bed. I was determined to find the answers for myself and my happiness. I wasn't going to let someone steal my happiness, I wanted to be happy more then anything. I didn't need to be caught up in some game. I gathered my small ninja sack and left my room, through a small hidden tunnel. I finally reached the outside and I set out for my adventure, dusting off all the dirt and mud from that dirty little tunnel. Finding the king of the underground was a lot harder.

I looked through all the sleazy pubs and inns for this man, then it hit me. He always wore a weird looking ninja band. "If I can find the band I can find him!" I spoke to myself.
"That won't be necessary my dear" someone spoke and I immediately turned around Kunai at the ready. "Drop That Kunai, my doll. I heard you were looking for me so I came running as soon as I heard, what's wrong my dear?" He spoke. I smiled at the sight of an old friend but then I remembered what he was capable of.

"Orochimaru I need to know that you plan to do with those babies! And why did you harm Itachi?!" I yelled, putting my weapon away. He sighed and looked at me before leading me into a shady looking Inn.
"I just needed to distance myself from that organization! I have my own goals and dreams and following some false leader with fake peace is not in my best interest. Sure I got a lot of useful experiences and experiments from it but nothing beats doing the dirty job yourself. I used this organization for my own benefits, power, money, you"

I stepped back, shock and confusion on my face
"Why? Why'd you get so close to me?!" I yelled
"I knew you'd be of great services to me and my goals, that body of yours can do so much for my experiments, I can make you stronger, if you'll agree to being mine, you can have Aniko and her siblings, I won't touch a hair on their heads. I promise"
"How can I believe you?" I asked him eyes sharp and following his every movement.
"Simple! I'll give you them! You can raise them and love them and when it's time! Come back to me my love!" He spoke. He snapped his fingers and a snake brought me the two twins.
"How do I know this isn't a trap?" I asked
"Oh so smart and untrusting! I can assure you that they are one hundred percent human! I haven't done anything to them!" He spoke. "I'll give you three days to decide! And when you are ready to be mine meet me here! Hurry and chose because I won't be around these parts for long, I have a dream to achieve!" He added and disappeared into the thick fog.

"Sir are you sure it was smart to give her the children? We worked so hard for them?" Kabuto spoke.
"Don't worry my dear Kabuto, I know she'll chose the right option, besides if it isn't me, those twins and her sweet little baby will come tuning back to me when the times right. Just like our next experiment, will. I've used those babies to make the curse stronger and it'll have the outcome I want with him" he spoke.
"Okay sir, anyways The plans have been in placed for the downfall of the leaf like you requested"
"Good" Orochimaru smirked.

Orochimaru X Reader X Itachi {completed}Where stories live. Discover now