Didn't mean to hurt you

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* Itachi's POV*
I knew exactly who to blame for the date mishap. That stupid snake freak ruined our first date. After I took her back to the base, she was in so much pain even with Kakuzu and Konan's help. I let her stay in mine and Kisame's shared room, she took my bed and I'd sleep on the floor. Well that was the plan until she called for me to join her. I made sure she was against the wall, so I could watch over her and change her bandages with ease. She fell asleep for the second time in two hours and I exited the room.
"Where's that Snake?" I asked the rest of the members in the hideout.
"Haven't seen that fucker"
"He's outside I think, un"
"He's in the room"
"Well which on is it?" I snapped. I activated my sharingan and searched the hideout. I found him.

I walked into his room and slammed him against the wall.
"What where you thinking?" I yelled.
"What are you talking about?" He asked.
"Don't play stupid! We all know that you ruined our date! You could have killed her!" I yelled.
"You're right, I was jealous and I let my jealousy get the best of me and I caused (Y/N) pain" He replied.
"She could have been seriously injured, did you think of that?" He looked down at the floor. "What would you have done if she got sick because of the bites?" I asked.
"I made sure that they were non venomous" he replied.
"Yes, I wasn't going to danger her life". His replies got on my nerves.
"That last snake that YOU summoned was POISONOUS" I shouted. I slammed him against the wall harder this time making his head bounce back.
"That snake nearly killed her! Sasori had to create an antidote" I replied.

He tried to get out of my grasp. Kabuto eventually came in and broke us apart, I walked out of the room leaving the dumbstruck assistant and his master behind me. Kisame found me before I could enter the living room.
"It's (Y/N), she's been calling for you" he stated and I took off towards my room, well our room.
"Itachi! Where did you go?" She asked as I entered the room.
"I'm sorry doll, I had some things to take care of, but I'm here now" I said. "What are you doing up?" I added.
"Oh well you see I um..... hadanightmareandcouldntsleep....." she replied.
"What was that doll?" I asked. She looked away with a slight blush on her face.
"I had a nightmare"
"What was it about?"
"You died, I got scared and when I woke up you weren't here and I freaked out" she answered.
I sat on the bed and held her in my arms.
"I'm not going anywhere, I'm going to stay right here with you. If anything were to happen to you, I couldn't live with myself" I replied looking her in the eyes.

* Orochimaru's POV*
After that Uchiha man handled me and basically accused me of causing harm to my precious (Y/N) I was furious.
"Lord Orochimaru are you okay? Did he cause any serious harm to you?" Kabuto asked.
"Not physical harm, emotional harm yes" I replied.
"What do you mean sir?" He asked
"He said that the last snake that I summoned was venomous and (Y/N) almost died" I replied. He's eyes widened and he dropped the files in his hand.
"Sorry sir did you say that it was indeed venomous, I thought you didn't want to summon poisonous ones?" He asked.
"I didn't! I must have been so jealous that I didn't double check" I replied.
"Well what are you going to do now?" He asked.
"Kabuto you don't get it, I NEARLY KILLED HER! I think I basically just handed her to Itachi, my chances with her are all over"
"Sir don't think like that, there's still time to win her over, just don't tell her about you being behind the whole first date mishap".He paused to pick up the files and then placed them on the desk. "I will help you get the girl, she means a lot to you. I vow to help you come up with a plan to sweep her off her feet" he continued.
"Thank you Kabuto" I replied sitting down at my desk.
"What if you spend time with her? Like have a movie date or something" he stated.
"A movie date.... hmm doesn't seem to bad" I replied.

We began to plan the movie date and the way I should ask her to the date. We planed this all night by the time we headed for bed it was morning but I had to use the bathroom and so I exited our room and I found (Y/N) sitting in the kitchen.
"What are you doing?" I asked standing in the doorway. She jumped and then looked at me.
"Oh it's you Oro" she replied.
"Oh it's me? That kind of hurts my heart" I joked as I clutched my heart.
"I didn't mean it like that, usually when I'm up this late, Hidan likes to hit on me" she replied.
It was quiet for a few moments until I finally spoke up.
"How are you feeling?" I asked
"I feel okay, I still experience a slight pain when I walk or move my legs but I know it will go away soon" she answered.
"I'm sorry that happened to you"
"It's okay, it wasn't your fault". 'If only you knew the truth, you wouldn't be saying that' I thought to myself.
"Well I hope you get a goodnights sleep tonight, Oro" she stated and walked up to me and kissed my cheek. 'I don't deserve your love' another thought came my way. I caused you enough pain today (Y/N) and you wouldn't be able to forgive me, heck I wouldn't even forgive myself for what I let happen to you because I was foolishly jealous. I soon lost myself to my thoughts and started to feel guilty. I made my way back to my room and laid down on my bed.

Orochimaru X Reader X Itachi {completed}Where stories live. Discover now