The aftermath

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•Your POV•
Screaming could be heard all through the base, he really must not like her. I think she didn't deserve this, she was dealing with a personal issue it's not right that we got into it. I sat on my bed with Aiko in my arms, she was asleep and I was just thinking of ways to get Tani home safe. There was a knock on my door, after granting them permission to come in, Konan stepped through.

"It's really bad huh?" I asked her.
"Yeah, he's been down there for awhile now" she replied taking a seat next to me.
"There must be a way for us to get her out" I said, she looked at me from the corner of her eyes I sighed before continuing "Konan, she can be lying, she can be innocent, We'll never know if she's trapped down here. I know it's wrong to assume to worse of your friends but if she's lying to us then we'll deal with it. But I don't think she's lying, I know she's telling us the truth".
"How do you know? She hasn't even given us her last name!" She stated.
"Konan, Where's this coming from? You are never quick to judge someone" I replied. Konan sighed and looked at me, her hard glare slowly softening.
"I'm just scared, I'm a few months pregnant and now I have to deal with the possibility that my friend is a traitor who knows a lot about me" she replied.

"Oh Konan, she'd never turn her back on us" I replied, keeping it honest and truthful. "I know for a fact she wouldn't lie". I set Aiko in her crib and turned to face Konan.
"Let's make a plan to get her out! We can sneak down there and talk to her! We are her friends!" I stated with a smile on my face.
"I don't know (Y/N), she caused a lot of trouble already" she replied.
"You're right, but-" I began but was caught off by a loud crashing sound. Konan and I ran out of the room.

Hidan laid on the floor with Pein standing over him. "How many times do I have to tell you not to go against your leaders wishes! You constantly disobey and I'm sick of it!" He yelled. "I am your god! You shall respect me!" Hidan just rolled his eyes, "You are a FAKE! Lord Jashin is the only god I need!" He argued back. Pein was getting ready to attack when Kakuzu stepped in between them.
"Enough! All this pointless fighting is leading to more and more damages which will cost a lot of money to fix!" He stated. Of course leave it Kakuzu to complain about money.
"I won't stop until He releases my Bitch!" Hidan yelled.

I stepped next to Hidan, picking him up off the floor. "Hidan, its time to stop" I said and looked into his magenta eyes.
I walked us to my room and shut the door.
"Hidan, sit down. What I'm going to say is going to hurt" I said.
Hidan nodded and sat down, not crying or fighting me.
I sighed before I looked at him "I want to help Tani escape, I know she's innocent. I can feel it deep down, I know she is. I need to find out the truth so I'll be going down tonight to see her, you can come with us if you want" I said.
"Oh fuck yes! I wanna see my bitch!"

We waited until everyone was asleep, I snuck out of my room. Konan and Hidan were waiting for me, I walked up to them and we headed to the cells.
"Tani?" I questioned and heard moment from the chains.
"G-Go away" she muttered out quietly. We came closer to the cell and turned on a light
"We just wanna help you get out" I said.
"Why?! I can't believe you! It's a trap! You'll kill me, he'll kill me" She cried.
I frowned, Pein really struck fear into her, she was pressed against the walls of the cell avoiding the light, avoiding being seen from us.
"Babygirl, I'm here. If they want you, they'll go through me!" Hidan stated and pounded on his chest. "Just tell the fucking truth and you'll be out" he added. Tani sighed before she moved, she didn't come closer to us but I assumed she got comfortable.
"My name is Tani Hatake, I'm a ninja from the Village hidden in the leaves, I am the half sibling to Kakashi of the Sharingan. I watched my mother get murdered by enemies of my father. When I found out it was the leaf, that sent the hit I had to get my revenge, I want to destroy the leaf from the inside. I became a ninja so I could gain their trust but it proved to be of no use, I was always on the sidelines. I decided to use my body to get want I wanted, it worked. I gained the trust of  Asuma Sarutobi and use him to get information on the leaf and the killer. After I realized I wasn't getting far I gave up and left the ninja world behind" she said.

Tani began to tell us more about her story and her past, we listened and my heart hurt. I can't imagine being betrayed by the one you love, I opened the cell door and we all stepped in.
Hidan ran to Tani and held her close, the light shined on her face and we all saw it. The bruises, burns, and cuts on her face, arms and body. Hidan began to shake with rage, mumbling about killing leader. Konan kept her distance from the two, she would look back and forth I could tell she was questioning her mans rule.
"Okay so here's what I'm thinking, in roughly about three days I'll come down here and set a decoy. The decoy will play a part in our escape, it's time this organization became the peace its always saying it wants. I know a place where we can stay for awhile as things die down, maybe you and Hidan can start over in a new village or your old village. Living the life you want not being controlled by anyone" I started.
"What about you (Y/N)?" Tani asked.
"Hmm well honestly I want to leave this life, maybe take either Itachi or Orochimaru with me and just be together, I know I'd have to choose one and I'll choose with my heart soon" I said.
"Why do you want leave? Don't you Fucking like it here with your Bitch Konan?" Hidan asked.
"I do, don't get me wrong. I love Konan like a sister but now I just feel like being here isn't for me, I feel like living a peaceful life with the man I love and Aiko will be best" I replied a sad smile on my face, leaving the one girl friend I made all those years ago to chase peace.

"It's fine I understand, things change, people change. Nothing's forever" Konan said, I can sense the pain in her voice.
"Konan! Maybe you and Pein can come with me?! You'll be having a baby soon and it wouldn't do to have the baby in a war torn world" I suggested. "You won't have to be alone and I won't be far away from you! We can live together or live next to each other" I added.
Konan stood up and I soon followed, Hidan stayed with Tani.
Konan and I walked away from the cells, she looked at me and my heart fell.
"Konan? What's wrong?" I asked.
"Seeing her like that got me thinking, maybe I'm not ready to be with Pein forever like I planned, what if he gets angry at me and harms me or the child? I can't have my baby around that. Maybe moving away from here and starting over is the way to go but I just don't know if I really want to, I've been with Pein for years of my life and I can't see it without him" she said.
"Maybe you got to talk to him? You'll never know how he truly feels if you don't say something, talk to him and get this all cleared out. Your happiness should be priority number one" I answered.

After talking for a few more minutes longer we said our good nights and walked our separate ways. I entered my room and found Aiko sleeping peacefully, I smiled and slipped into bed. I laid down and faced the ceiling "I hope the one I choose will be okay with leaving this all behind and starting a peaceful life" I said to myself. The one I choose, the one I want to be with for the rest of my life.....

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