The Akatsuki: Aiko's Babysitters

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* Your POV*
I had walked back into the hideout because Pain is sending Konan and I on other mission, it's a simple spying and stealing scrolls mission. I walked into the living room and placed Aiko's diaper bag down next to the sofa, I sat down with her in my arms. Pain came out with Konan who squealed and took little Aiko from me.
"Woah Konan no hello? I feel betrayed" I said with a pout.
"Oh be quiet, it's been twenty four hours since I've last seen her" she replied cuddling my baby. Aiko just giggled at the crazy blue haired woman.
"Alright ladies it's time for you to head out to your mission, you'll return tomorrow in the afternoon. I expect nothing but the best from you two, fail me and there will be consequences" Pain said. I stood up and handed each male member a list to follow.
"Let me make myself clear, if there is a single scratch on Aiko I will have your heads" I said looking at each one in the eyes.
"She's due for a nap in a hour, once she's asleep no, and I mean NO loud noises, she's a light sleeper. After her nap she'll need a diaper change, and then she'll need to be fed and burped. There are some toys for her to play with" I added.
"I'll make sure she's in good hands, get going or else Leader will have your head" Itachi said and I smiled.
"Make sure they follow the rules, Bye Aiko" I said as I kissed her cheek and walked away with Konan.

* Itachi's POV*
"What the fuck is tummy time?" Hidan asked.
"I don't care just get it done before they return and have our heads" Pain replied. Aiko started to cry and it freaked out Pain.
"Here hand her to me" I said. Pain passed me the crying baby and I started to rock her back and forth. "Shh it's okay Okaa-san(?) will return, for now we'll take care of you okay?" I said to the baby and she started to calm down.
"Woah, Itachi you're the Fucking baby whisperer" Hidan said and I glared at him.
"Hidan stop your swearing, she'll grow up swearing like you" Kakuzu stated.
"Oh shut the F-" he started but was blow away into the wall.
"Don't swear infront of the baby" Pain said.
I placed Aiko down on her blanket.
"Can I play with her, un?" Deidara asked.
"Yes, just be careful with her" I replied and he laid a blanket down on the floor, he placed some pillows down on the blanket and then grabbed Aiko. He had her propped up sitting against his chest, he showed her his clay and made some figures move. She giggled and clapped her little chubby hands, she tried to reach out for it but Deidara kept the explosive clay away from her. She pouted slightly at the blond male. She started to lean forward and the next thing I know is that she's on the floor.
"Look brat you dropped the baby" Sasori stayed.
"I didn't mean for her to fall, un" Deidara said he picked up the baby and it turns out she fell asleep.
"She's a sleep so well place her down in crib and in someone's room" I said.
"Leave her with me" Leader's emotionless voice rang out. "I can't trust her with any of you" he added. He slowly but gently moved the crib into his office.

*Pains POV*
I had placed the crib in the corner of my office, leaving the sleeping child be and myself to work on the paperwork. Orochimaru's right hand man came into my office asking if it would be okay to experiment down in the torture room and I hesitatingly agreed as long as they cleaned up their mess.

Thirty minutes have gone by and I decided to check on the child. I looked into the crib and she was gone! I slammed the door open and it broke off its hinges. "Where's that damned Snake man?!" I shouted.
"Leader-Sama whats wrong, un?" Deidara asked.
"That's damned Snake took her!" I replied. I'm a dead man, not only by (Y/N) but by Konan as well.
"Well split up and look for her!" Itachi said with his Sharingan activated. We all split up and began looking for her.

I walked down to the torture room and there they were, Orochimaru's assistant had Aiko strapped to a table.
"Give me the child" I said with a straight face and emotionless voice.
"Why? Didn't you originally want to get rid of her?" Orochimaru's voice broke through the walls.
"Why are you doing this?" I said.
"I'm in the process of developing a new jutsu and I need young and pure experiments, Aiko is perfect for that job" he replied.
"Don't you dare take another step or I will KILL you" I stated with a glare. My shouting woke Aiko and she started crying, I mean screaming. She screamed is hard that the lights popped. Orochimaru grabbed the child and held her close to him.
"Shhh shh, little one" he said and Aiko glared at the male, I didn't think it was possible for a baby to glare but she glared and began to kick and scream. Itachi and the others eventually came down to the room. Aiko pulled Orochimaru's long black hair and he dropped her, Sasori used his puppet string and attached them her just in time before she hit the ground. Aiko looked around and was freaked out. I'm starting to think that she's smart for being an infant.

After dealing with Orochimaru and his assistant, the rest of the members and I are upstairs playing with Aiko. Aiko giggled and clapped her hands as Sasori and Deidara began fighting in the floor. She also stole some of Kakuzu's money and wouldn't give it back but she had to 'buy' her toys from the man. All was going well being her babysitters, we didn't notice the evil and deadly aura threatening our happiness.

* Orochimaru's POV*
My plan was foiled again. I slowly creeped upstairs witnessing them laugh and play with her. Why can't I have her!! She needs to be experimented on, I won't rest until she's in my procession. If it wasn't for her parents being past experiments I would have had no use for the child, but I need to experiment on her to see if she truly has their powers. I creep into my room and slammed the door, startling Kabuto in the process.

"Kabuto have you found any new information on the dead parents of Aiko?" I asked him. I sat on my chair reading through the files we had on the little family.
"Lord Orochimaru, it turns out that they have a set of twins no more then nine months older then Aiko" he replied.
"Where?" I asked him, I was intrigued by this new finding.
"They should still be in the village where Aiko was found, if not in the same location an orphanage maybe" he said. Kabuto laid a file down on my desk. I smirked as I read the information.
"Twins huh, let's go get them" I stated. My smirk never leaving my face.
"When shall we leave sir?" He asked.
"At dawn, the others in this hideout are upset with us and will be monitoring us for now but once everyone is asleep, we'll pack and we'll leave" I said. I picked up the file "Don't worry little ones, I'll save you" I added.
"Should we come up with a plan?" Kabuto spoke up.
"Why Yes we should and I have just the plan in mind, but you won't like it" I replied with a wider smirk.
"Don't tell me it's-" he began.
"Oh yes it's that plan" I finished for him.

The night went smoother, Kabuto and I only leaving the room to eat. I wanted to keep a close eye on the little experiment number three but Itachi was always with her. That damned Uchiha!!! I should just eliminate him, yeah I'll do that when the times right.

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