An unwanted guest and a ruined plan

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"(YYYYYYY/NN) I'm so tired.....When we will get there?" Konan whined.
"Konan, we are thirty minutes away, be quiet or you'll blow our surprise" I replied. Konan and I finished our mission a bit early, instead of staying over night like planned we wanted to head home. It would be about dusk when we would get home, if Konan would shut up. I didn't know being a few months pregnant can make you so moody and emotional. Pain will have his hands full with her.

We finally reached the hideout and Kabuto was outside. "Hi Kabuto, have you seen Orochimaru?" I asked.
"He should be inside what business do you have with him?" He replied.
"Oh you know, personal business, now excuse me" I stated and walked into the hideout. I placed my bags down in my room, I'll need my rest but that can wait. I exited my room and walked towards Orochimaru's room. I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer.
"Oh hello (Y/N) do you need something?" He asked.
"Yes! May I come in?" I replied and he let me in.
"So what brings you back to the snake?" He asked.
"Oh you know I just wanted to say that I forgive you for what you've done and that I want to take you on a date!" I exclaimed, I was rocking on my heels.
"Oh when?" He asked.
"Um today, I saw that there's this little village having a small festival and I want to go" I replied.
"Can we go another day? I was going to go out and collect some supplies for experiments" he said. My smile fell into a frown.
"Oh I didn't know, I guess I'll just- never mind" I said.

It took some time and some convincing but Oro finally agreed to go!
"Oro, can we cuddle?" I asked him. I sat on his bed while he sat by his desk. He sighed and then came over to me.
"Yeah I guess, but don't fall asleep on me" he stated.
"No promises, what time should we leave?" I asked him with a smile.
"Sometime in the afternoon so I could still fulfill my mission" he replied. I laid down on the super soft mattress and made room for him. He soon followed and laid down as well, arms open for me to slide in.

"Hey Oro?" I asked breaking the comfortable silence.
"Yes?" He answered I sat up and looked into his eyes.
"Why did you do it?" I asked him.
"Do what?"
"Why'd you sabotage my date with Itachi, why did you let your jealous get the best of you and injure me?" I asked tears brimming my soft (E/C) eyes.
"I did it because, I couldn't stand you being so close and intimate with the Uchiha" he replied.
"Why? Why couldn't you just let me have a good time with him?" I question.
"Because all is fair in love and war. I needed him to know that he couldn't make moves on you without me making the same moves on you, We both want you and in order for one of us to get you we must play dirty" he replied. His response made me upset.
"So how I feel and who I choose to like doesn't matter?" I question.
"No, of course not. The way you feel matters kitten. Everything about you matters" he said. He rested his hand on my cheek wiping my tears. "Don't you start crying now, kitten" he added with a soft smile. He sat up and kissed my forehead. "Get some rest and I'll come pick you up in the afternoon Okay" he said and ushered me out of the room.

* Orochimaru's POV*
While (Y/N) was resting in her room, I met up with Kabuto in my room.
"Sir what's the problem?" He asked me.
"(Y/N) has forgiven me and wants me to take her on a date to a festival she saw on the way back" I replied. He just nodded.
"What about the plan?" He asked.
"We'll have to postpone it" I replied. I hated saying those words.
"Sir, what if we leave now and come back in time for your date?" Kabuto said.
"Actually that's not a bad idea, I'll leave her a note to meet me at the festival" I replied.

I wrote her a note and tapped it to my door, knowing that she'll come look for me. Kabuto and I left the hideout in search of the twins. I need the twins to further my experiments, I need them so I can truly know if they have the powers I gave their parents. I can remember the day I realized that the experiments were a success.

I was in my lab unground, I was going to experiment on a lovely female. I raised my scalpel and was about to make the cut when Kabuto came running into the lab.
"Sir!" He exclaimed. I turned to face him.
"Yes?" I replied.
"The couple seem to be showing signs of the experiment" He continued.
"Let's go have a look, Shall we?" I said and exited the room. I summoned a snake to end the woman's life. I walked out of the room and down the halls to the room where my experiments were being held. Kabuto opened the door and I walked in.

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