Yay! A mission!

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* Your POV*
It was no surprise that the next day Pain called us to his office. So Konan, Tani and I headed to the hideout. We blindfolded Tani when we were close to reaching the hideout, we didn't want pain to get even more angrier with us. We reached the hideout and removed the barrier, we walked in and headed to the living room. We removed her blindfold and apologized to her.
"It's okay, I understand. You guys don't know if I'm a ninja working against you or not" Tani said.
"You are honestly so sweet" Konan said.

"Ladies my office now!" Pain yelled. We walked into his office and sat down in the chairs.
"I'm very disappointed in you Konan, you lied to me" he said. Konan looked down.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to make (Y/N) happy and have a girls night with her" she replied.
"I understand that you are both friends and close like sisters but I am your boyfriend and you have to respect when I tell you no" he stated.
"Pain I'm sorry" Konan said.
"I accept your apology, now answer me this"
"Yes!" We both said.
"Why did you bring her here?" He asked raising his voice slightly.
"We planned to hang out in town later today" I replied. He looked unimpressed.
"We blindfolded her, so she couldn't see the hideout" Konan said. He sighed and rubbed his temples.
"Leave the room, please" he said and we ran out of the office, not literally but we exited the room fast.
"Where Tani?" I asked as we reached the living room.
"With Hidan" Itachi said.

Pain came out a few moments later.
"Okay I'm sending the following on missions, when I call yours and your partners names come up and get a scroll" he stated.
"Kakuzu and Hidan, you'll be on a bounty hunt. Where's Hidan?" Pain asked.
"Getting laid" Kakuzu replied. Pain ignored the statement and told Kakuzu to get Hidan in thirty minutes.
"The next Team consists of Itachi, Orochimaru and (Y/N). Your mission is to capture a Ninja that has been spying and selling information on us, Leave NO witnesses! You'll be leaving now." He stated and handed the scroll to Itachi.

I gathered up my supplies, my ninja gear and weapons, I walked into the living room and saw Hidan and Tani? Doesn't Hidan kill the ladies after he's done with them.
"Oh she's alive?" Sasori said.
"She's immortal and I apologize for trying to kill her" Hidan said and stood up. "I have to go on a mission but I promise to make it up to you Tani when I come back" he said without Cusing?! Who's this Hidan and what has he done with the real Hidan.

Itachi and I waited for Orochimaru to meet us outside the Hideout. Once he got there we left for our mission. I walked along the path, Itachi stayed behind in the trees making sure no one followed us, Orochimaru was in the front spotting traps and the ninja. Orochimaru gave the signal and we stopped. A few feet ahead was a group of rogue ninjas, Orochimaru summoned large snakes and the circled the ninjas.
"I need ninjas for my experiments" he stated with a shrug.
"Lord Orochimaru, I'll seal them in the scroll and we can experiment when you return" Kabuto said coming out of the trees. When did he get there?

We reached our destination and I served as the bait for him, since I don't really go on missions not many know of me and if they did they'd never live to see the light of day again.
"Hello, I'm looking for someone that had information on the Akatsuki? Please help me. I believe they have my father" I stated to the villagers that passed by.
"Are you looking for information on the Akatsuki?" A male asked.
"Yes I am! Do you have information?" I stated.
"For the right price I'll reveal the information" he said.
"I don't have much money" I replied.
"Your a beautiful girl, you can repay me in a different way" I cringed when he said that.
Just breathe (Y/N), breathe. He'll die soon. I told myself.
"Okay, should we go do this somewhere private?" I asked.
"Oh yes, I have an office in the more abandoned part of this town and it pretty private for my payment" he replied.

The male and I left to his office which was in an abandoned shed. I sensed the boys following behind.
"Here's my office, I try to keep it as secretive as I don't want people to target me" he said.
"Let's get down to business, shall we beautiful" he added as he touched my shoulders. Before anything could happen he dropped to the floor. Good thing Itachi and I switched places, while his back was turned. I came out of the corner and hug him well myself, until he undid the jutsu.
"You need to be careful when dealing with people like him, he could have taken advantage of you" he stated.
"Yes I know Itachi, I'll be more careful and alert, I promise." I replied with a smile and he carried the body. We exited he shed, Itachi set it on fire using his Amaterasu.

We made sure that nothing was left before we took off using the back allies. I stopped in my tracks, we were a few blocks away from the burnt shed but a loud piercing cry was heard.
I walked towards the crying and there was a baby in a box, it was more then a few months old.
"Why did you stop?" Itachi asked.
" 'Tachi look it's a baby" I replied reaching out for the baby but a Kunai stopped me.
"It could be a trap" Orochimaru said. I turned to look at him and glared.
"Whoever uses a baby as a trap is scum" I replied. I reached for the baby and held it against my chest, soothing the baby.
"Pain isn't going to like this" Itachi said.
I just pouted.
" 'Tachi please" I replied, he sighed.
"Let's take the baby with us, knowing you. You won't take no for answer, let's get going. The baby can get seriously sick" he replied and we headed off to he hideout.

Orochimaru X Reader X Itachi {completed}Where stories live. Discover now