Keep Away

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( I added more to this chapter and changed it up a bit)
* Your POV*
Aiko slept peacefully all night, I woke a few times to check on her. Currently we (Konan, Tani and myself) are making breakfast, Aiko is in her baby swing that Nia my sweet old lady brought over for her along with little dresses. "So are we going to hand out applications to be Aiko's parents?" Tani asked.
"That's not a bad idea, I have some of pains blank paperwork so we can use this" Konan said.
"What should the Application say?" I asked.
"Hmm, income, have you been arrested, are you a drunk, homeless" Tani said, we nodded.

We made a list of requirements that have to be passed in order to be Aiko's new family, we made copies of them and plan to hand them out and hang them up around town. First we had to make a stop at the near by clinic to make sure Aiko is a healthy baby girl, and make her a birth certificate. The parents portion was left blank as we don't know if we are going to find her a new home. I don't want to give her away, I feel like Aiko is the missing part in our lives wether Pain agrees or not.
"Hey (Y/N)?" Konan said.
"Yes?" I replied.
"I don't want to give Aiko away, she's such a sweet little girl" she said.
"I know, I was just thinking that. I feel like she's the missing link, like she was fated to be found by me and fated to make us better people" I replied.
"Woah that's deep" Tani joked and we all laughed.
"Are you going to keep her?" Konan asked.
"Yes I am! I can't see myself without her" I replied.
"Good so I'll just burn these and we can be on our way" Konan said as she threw the papers in the trash and lit them on fire.

We returned to the hideout later that day, Tani went to work. I walked to Itachi's and Kisame's room, I knocked on the door and Itachi let me in.
"Hey, why do you still have the baby?" He asked.
"Woah, no Hi (Y/N) I missed you" I said as I walked into the room.
"Sorry, I just thought Pain ordered you to get rid of the baby?" He asked.
"Oh he did but I decided to keep little Aiko Luna" I replied.
"Aiko Luna?" He asked.
"Aiko is her first name Luna is her middle name" I replied with a smile. "Come look at her Itachi, isn't she the cutest baby you've ever seen?" I added.
"She's cuter then Sasuke, I'll admit that" he replied.
"Awh look she's looking at you" I said.
Aiko opened her beautiful green eyes and reached out for Itachi with her chubby little hands.
"Do you want to go to Itachi?" I asked her and she nodded. I handed her over to the Uchiha and she giggled as she placed a hand on his face and then proceeded to pull his hair hard and I mean hard a few strands came out.

Konan came to get me because Pain is sending us on a over night mission, meaning we will be gone until morning. The rest of the members knew about Aiko being here and I told them to keep her away from Pain. I know I'll have to eventually tell him about keeping Aiko but that will happen in the future. Apparently we have to dress super revealing to get the information out of them.

* Itachi's POV*
(Y/N) left me in charge of watching Aiko, I must admit I do miss raising a baby, maybe I shouldn't have left Sasuke alone. Kisame tried to play with Aiko but she just stared at him, Zetsu tried to eat the baby.
"Zetsu give her back Un!" Deidara yelled, Deidara and Sasori tried to show her their 'art', she just giggled at them and then threw up on them.
"Zetsu give me her!" I stated with a dark aura around me.
"Tobi wants to play with Aiko-Chan. Tobi wants to play with her please!" Tobi exclaimed as he jumped up and down with toys.
"Tobi, Where'd you get those toys, un?" Deidara asked
"Oh senpai(?) Tobi found them in leader-Samoa's room" he replied.
"Why the Fuck does leader have baby things, better Yet why were you in leaders room?" Hidan shouted at the masked man.
"Hidan stop cussing in front of the baby!" I shouted! Everyone just became quiet.
"No but seriously why does he have baby stuff in his room?" Kisame asked.
"Maybe him and the bitch are trying for kids?" Hidan replied. I glared at him.
"Where's Aiko?" Sasori asked, I looked around the room and I couldn't find her.
"Where is she?" I asked panic started to consume me.
"She's not here, un" Deidara replied.
"Everyone split up and look for her! (Y/N) will kill us all if something happened to Aiko, find her NOW!" I shouted.

* Orochimaru's POV*
I was walking towards my room when I heard that (Y/N) had keep the baby and how she wanted the rest of us to keep her hidden from leader. I smirked to myself as my plan was coming together, I need to give props to Kabuto for killing her parents and leaving her where I could find her. But one tiny problem (Y/N) became attached to the child. I waited for the perfect opportunity to steal the child and experiment on her. That moment came when everyone was arguing over Aiko and why leader has baby stuff, I took Aiko to experiment on her. I want to see if she can withstand my new experiment the curse mark, I began to experiment on others but they couldn't handle it. I think this baby will give me what I'm looking for. I picked up Aiko and then I brought her closer to me, I opened my mouth to give the curse mark.
"Stop right there!" Itachi yelled. That damned Uchiha always ruining my fun. I rolled my eyes before pulling away, he walked up to me and took the now waking baby.
"What do you think you are doing? Huh?! If (Y/N) EVER found out that you tried to hurt her baby, she'd cut you out of her life. You'd blow your final chance away" he stated.
"I was just gonna have a little fun with the baby, no harm in that right?" I said and I touched her cheek, she stirred and cried. Great just great!
"You're scarring her! Just wait till (Y/N) hears about this!" He replied.
"Oh fuck off Uchiha" I stated and slammed my door on his face. Maybe I should just get rid of him, he's becoming a major problem and I want to get rid of him. I snuck out of my room again and I stole the baby again, I shall continue what I started uninterrupted. I bit into the babies neck and the next thing I know is that she blew up. What the fuck?!
"So you tried to steal her again huh?" Uchiha stated with a smirk.
"You planned this?" I asked.
"Oh yes, once I told the guys where I found the baby they flipped and wanted to kill you but I let them plan and play a prank on you so hopefully you learned your lesson" he said and walked off.

* Pain's POV*
I was sitting in my office filling out and filing paperwork, it was kind of boring without Konan here to help me out. I knew why she was distancing herself from me, I flipped out on her.
I was sitting in my office waiting for Konan to return with our lunch, she offered to make me a 'special' lunch. I sighed and leaned back in my chair, I placed my hands behind my head and I felt something poking out from the headrest of my seat. I stood up and went to check what it was. I pulled out a little box and opened it, my eyes went wide. "I brought us- where did you find that?" Konan's voice brought me out of my trance. I turned to her with an emotionless face and wide eyes. "Konan what is this?" I asked. She looked away and placed the tray down on my office.
"It's a pregnancy test" she replied. I sighed that damn horny bastard known as Hidan.
"What girl did hidden knock up? Is it your so called friend?" I asked.
"No, she's not pregnant" she replied.
"Then who's?" I asked.
"It's mine" she replied.
"Konan, I'm not ready to be a father. I haven't completed my goal and I won't want to be a father until it's completed" I simply replied.
"So what does this mean for us?" She asked.
"There will be no us, until you get rid of that thing" I replied and sat down.
"You're an Asshole! You know that Pain?! I don't know what I've seen in you!" She yelled.
"Don't raise your voice at your leader!" I shouted back. Konan scoffed and walked away from me.
"Where do you think you are going?!" I asked.
"It's none of your business" she replied and slammed the door.
~ Flashback over~
A loud boom broke me from my thoughts. I sighed and got up. "How many times have I told you not to play with your clay in the base, Deidara" I stated to the blonde male.
"It wasn't me this time, un" he replied with a sweat, was he that scared of me?
"Then who?" I asked.
"Orochimaru" Itachi replied.
"Orochimaru come here now!" I yelled at him. Konan and (Y/N) returned from the mission, unharmed it seems. The snake snannin(?) ventured out of his clouded smile bomb of a room.

* Orochimaru's POV*

I walked out of my room and was met with an angry leader.
"You will work off the damages" Leader stated "and you" he said turning to (Y/N).
"Yes?" She replied
"I thought I told you to get rid of her!" He shouted.
"You did but I couldn't leave her, just look at her, she's the sweetest little girl you'll ever met and plus she can be friends with your baby" She replied.
"Alright fine, you can keep the child but you will be responsible for everything that she needs and please give me back Konan, I've been missing her". Everyone in the room cringed and shrived at the thoughts of Pain and Konan together.
"So the bitch is really pregnant?!" Hidan stated.

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