Potions Class

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I burst into my room crying. I was about to throw myself on my bed when I saw my three friends sitting on my bed. "What the hell are you guys doing in here!" I scream at them.

"We were in here waiting for you!" Ron snaps back. While his sister acks more concerned.

"Whats wrong 'Mione," Ginny says trying to comfort me.

I try my best to shake her off. I'm punching and kicking and screaming "Get out of my room!" They hurry out as I cry in my bed.


I haven't talked to my friends since Snape and I got married. I walk quickly from the library after lunch to the potions class. Terrified to see the professor and hate being married to him. He's is way older than me. Gross.

I walk into his class and take my normal seat at the front. 

"Why are you late Miss Granger? Twenty points from Gryfinnerdor." He says without even looking up. I look at my watch and it says 1:00 on the dot. 

"Uh..... Sir, I'm not late." I tell him. So relieved that he didn't call me Miss Snape. Not that he would.

"Ten more points for back talking."

He writes down instructions for a potion on the board. "Complete this potion by the end of class." He says and goes back to doing whatever he was doing.

I look over the instructions on the board.

Anti-Paralysis Potion 

  Honeywater (12 fl. oz) 

• Syrup of Hellebore (2 fl. oz.) 

• Stewed Mandrake (6 oz.) 

• Moondew (4 fl. oz.) 

• Unicorn Horn (finely pulverized, 1 tbs)

I go over to the cupboard and take out what I need. While I go back to my desk I accidentally drop two of the ingredients. The Moondew and the Syrup of Hellebore. Of course, those were the two rarest ingredients. 

I watch them fall to the ground in slow motion. The contents mixing on the floor. I look at Snape. And man does he look pissed.

"Miss Granger!" He says unexpectedly calm. "I am sure you know how rare those two ingredients are."

"Y-yes sir," I tell him.

"Detention! Tonight, after dinner, my office." He tells me still calm looking back at the first year papers he was grading. "Oh and clean up the mess Granger. 50 points from Gryffindor."

I comply without a word. I hear Draco laughing. It's only the second week of our school year but he has still gotten on my nerves so much. I remember how I punched him last year and laugh to myself. 

After potions end, I run up to the library like I have been for the past few days trying to find a way to get out of this dreadful marriage. 


Okay, now some of you may be freaking out at how old Hermione is in my story. But I felt I had to start it young to make the story better in the end. It will all add up. At first, I was going to make this story just like five chapters but I kept having other ideas. So I am going to make this another long story. It is going to go through all of her remaining years at Hogwarts. So idk how much longer it will be. Now that I am extending the story. The title does not really make sense. Idk if I am going to change it or not though. If you have any other titles please suggest. Please don't be mad at me for making her so young. Bye<3

Oh PS: I don't really know if those ingredients are rare. I just looked up a potion. So just pretend. :)

Oh PPS: Sorry this chapter sucks.

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