Triwizard Champions

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I'm sitting in charms on a rainy Wednesday afternoon. This is the last class of the day. It has been weird sharing the castle with the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students. And Victor Krum won't stop staring at me.

After class everyone makes their way to the Great Hall. I walk in and Severus is standing against a wall off to the right side of the hall. I walk over and stand next to him.

"How are you?" He asks. I don't answer right away though. I can see Ron glaring at me from across the hall. Ginny shoots me a thumbs up. 

"I'm good," I told him but I am really upset that Ron and Harry hate me. Ron shows it more than Harry. Harry just tells me to leave him.

"Whats wrong?" He questions.

"Nothing," I reply.

He looks in the direction I'm looking. "You shouldn't worry about them. They'll come to there senses eventually." He reassures me.

"Attention, attention!" Dumbledore says voice amplified by a spell. "I hope everyone is having an amazing afternoon. It is finally time to reveal out three champions from each school. Durmstrang, Beauxbatons, and Hogwarts." There is clapping for the other schools but A LOT for Hogwarts. "Okay, okay settle down. First from Durmstrang........"

The Triwizard cup lights up and flashes red then spits out a piece of parchment. "From Durmstrang...... Victor Krum!" There is a lot of cheering. "From Beauxbatons...... Fleur Delacour." There is more cheering. "And from Hogwarts......... Cedric Diggory. Congratulations champions!!" Dumbledore exclaims. Then the whole room goes dark. The Triwizard lights up a brilliant red and Dumbledore grabs the burnt piece of binder paper. "Harry Potter." He says in barely a whisper. Then louder. "Harry Potter!"

Snape takes my hand and leads me to the dungeons. 


Sorry, its short. Trying to get a picture for every chapter. Some might not have one tho. <3

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