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(Snape's POV) 

After the Dark Lord dismisses me I hurridly Apparate to St. Mungos. The quickly treat me for the scars on my back and I go back to Hogwarts. 

I walk into my rooms and go to my bathroom. I rip off my shirt and lean up against the counter. After a minute I look at my back. I hate seeing it. All of the scars given to for punishment that I don't even deserve. 

I mean I didn't even do anything wrong. The Dark Lord just wanted "A bit of fun". 

That sick bastard. I wish I wasn't a death eater. I wish I didn't have to be a spy for Dumbledore. But I know I have to so I drop the idea of just running off with Hermione. Somewhere quiet and away from the wizarding world. I could teach her all she needs to know.

I get in the shower so I can wash away the memories of today.  After that, I put on a pair of black boxers and go to my room. I walk in and see Hermione in my bed. I turn around to go lay down on the couch when she says.

"You can come lay with me."

So I do. I climb into bed and pull her close to me. Holding onto her for dear life. She ends up turning to face me. Putting her arms around me she touches my back. And by the look on her face I know she has felt my scars. She rubs them a little bit harder and I wince in pain.

"Severus! What are these?!" She asks concerned. Before I answer shes getting up to see them.

"There...ah....punishment.....from....The....Dark Lord." I try to say as she touches them.

She goes to say something but shuts her mouth and starts bursting out in tears.

I pull her to my chest. "It's okay Hermione. I'm okay Hermione. They won't hurt for long. The pain potion should be kicking in anytime and I'll be fine." 

She cries for about 30 more minutes saying "I love you so much." Over and over again.

I stroke her head until she falls asleep and it doesn't take me much longer. I just wish I could do something to make them all go away. To make them not hurt her. Make them not hurt me.

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