My Darkest Secret

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It has been five days since my "detention" with Snape. It was finally Friday and I had my friends come to my room for the night. Harry, Ron, and Ginny. Just to hang out. I apologized for the other night when I screamed at them. I told them I was stressed, and tired. Then Ron asked me why Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, and the Minister of Magic came and got me that morning.

"Oh, they just needed my help on this thing." I lie. Well, its a half lie. They did need me for a thing.

I sit there while the other three talk about Quidditch. When they stop I chime in.

"Did you guys read about that marriage law in the prophet?" I ask them.

"Yeah," Harry said not really concerned.

"Yeah, its terrible," Ginny said tearing up.

"Yeah, I did this morning. Us being purebloods we don't have to do it. Do you think you'll have to get married?"

I sigh and whisper. "I already have."

"WHAT!" They all scream at the same time.


"Who?" Ron said defensive.

"Will you not freak out?" I ask.

"Please don't say Malfoy. Not Malfoy. It's not Malfoy right. Oh great, it's Malfoy." Ron says.

"It's not Malfoy. Worse."

"Just tell up 'Mione. We won't freak out. We love you." Ginny reassured me rubbing my back.

I say his name barely audible. "Severus Snape."

"No!" Ron says jumping up. "Hell no. I'm going to Dumbledore an-"

"I can't get out of this. I've tried." I put my head on my knees.

"It's okay 'Mione. It's okay." Ginny says again rubbing my back.

"NO! It is not okay!" Ron screams.

"Ronald this is not what she needs right now. Just leave. Get out."

"Fine! But being married to Snape is disgusting. You shouldn't have done it." He storms out of my room knocking books off my shelf on his way out. 

"That git," Ginny says going after him. I run and lock the door. I just noticed that Harry had left. I wonder when. Well, tomorrows the first Hogsmeade trip and I don't care if they're my friends or not.


God this chapter sucks. I'm not really good at fight scenes. Next chapter coming out soon. Hopefully will be better. 

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