to my dearest future boy or the one that had left behind,
ask them, be honest;
i was not like every girl you've met before, was i? i dont recognize red lipstick or suede high heels, but pretty sure i know your favorite meals for my dearest future boy or the one that had left behind,
ask yourself, be honest;
you will never have started to like me from the way i look at first, but i guarantee that you will be drown on my sucking sands or undeniable falls like hiking on a slippery slope when you get to know my dearest future boy or the one that had left behind,
i'm not that girl who can serve you with the best look for your best dates, but pretty sure you'd like it for us to watch your favorite movies, with hot chocolate, inside my blanket while its heavy raining.
to my dearest future boy or the one that had left behind,
i'm not sure i can provide you pride of having a pretty girlfriend; but i will always try to make you proud of having me, the way i am.
— G (18/09/16)
sebuah sampah rasa;
कविताkadang manusia tak sanggup menahan seluruh rasanya sendirian, kadang harus ia muntahkan sebelum akhirnya meracuni, dan kadang, tak semuanya indah; hanya rangkaian kata dikala gundah.