Part 14/ Daddy issues.

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"I love that you've got daddy issues." - Daddy issues,The neighborhood.



I have absolutely no idea what time it is.This stupid room they put me in is cold,I'm thirsty and bored since I have been waiting here forever.
Why am I here again? I think I would know If I had committed a crime. I still haven't murdered anyone.

Is having a shitty personality and a lot of issues a crime now?

The door opened and the two detectives who arrested me in the first place walk in, both of them taking a seat across the table.
"Miss Reynolds,I'm detective Wenn. This is detective Ramirez. We were hoping we could chat with you."
"We could have chatted at the club. You didn't have to put me in handcuffs. I serve an amazing cocktail."

"I would suggest you get an attorney because the charges you are facing are quite serious."     "I don't even know what I'm being charged with.It's my right to know."
He looks at me for a few seconds before he takes out some files.

"You're being charged with prostitution. We have reason to believe that the club that you work at is actually an underground prostitution ring. That's why we are questioning all the female employees."
"Wait,wait. You think I'm a hooker?!" I scoff in disbelief.

"And Bill? Bill would never do this."
"Do you have any evidence that would tell us otherwise. We're not judging Miss Reynolds. You're a collage student who needed some money and did something wrong..."
"No,no,no! That is not what happened!"

"Really? We asked around,and we were told that you would usually sit down and drink with customers. Maybe one drink after another led to something else? Maybe your boss wanted you for more than just serving drinks. After all,you are a young beautiful woman,why would you-..."

"Detectives..." I interrupt him "I am flattered. But I didn't do anything illegal. I'm just a collage student who needed money,and had a part time job. And yeah,maybe I would drink and flirt with some men,but I got bigger tips. I didn't do anything wrong."
"Are you sure about that?"

"Check the cameras. I started working there since August. Every night I was there you can see me on the dance floor,serving drinks." I cross my arms over my chest more so to warm myself up than anything else.

"Okay. We will. But even if you have nothing to do with this,what's to say that your boss doesn't?"
I shrug "I don't know." 
"Oh come on. You honestly want me to believe that you worked there for seven months,and didn't know anything."

"Believe what you want detective. I'm done talking. I know my rights."
"Fine. We can keep you here for another 48 hours. You'll talk eventually." He says with a smirk.
"We'll see about that." I say with a smirk of my own,causing them to frown.

As If on cue,I hear a tap,and I assume It's coming from the two way glass that's in the interrogation room.
One of them goes out,leaving detective Wenn  to have a stare off with me.
The door opens,and his partner has a grim look on his face.

"You're free to go Miss Reynolds." He says as I smile.
"What the fuck do you mean?" He walks towards his partner as he says something in his ear,causing him to get the same grim look.
"I guess you're free." He says.

I smile as I get up and walk towards the door "Thank you gentlemen. Now,can I have my things back?" I ask.
Ramirez opens a drawer and gives me a plastic bag that contains my phone and keys before I walk away.

I bite my lip at all the missed calls and texts on my phone,before I see Stefan who is sitting on a chair in the lobby.
"Hey." I say,causing him to jump up and have wrap his arms around me so quickly,it makes me dizzy.
"Oh thank God." He breathes out.

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