Part 22/ Summer.

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"Kiss me hard before you go." - Summertime sadness,Lana Del Rey.



"Hey gorgeous,how is everything going? Are you-..."
"Everything is so fucking awkward." She answers hurriedly.
"Why?" I chuckle.

"What do you mean why?!" She almost shouts
" I haven't been in my house in three years. My room looks the same. Loraine hugged me yesterday even though last time I saw her I told her to go fuck herself.My dad started crying yesterday and completely fucked with my emotions.And Meg is still a bitch with a bad nose job."

"Sweetness." I say firmly as she stops "Please tell me you're okay. I don't want this whole experience to fuck up your mental health."
"I'm good. My dad wants us to go to dinner,just me and him. Wants to talk,but I mostly think he wants to ask me If I wanna do this. I do the tests to see If I'm a match tomorrow."

"And are you excited?"
She sighs "Yeah. I actually kind of am. I'm excited to tell him about college and my job" I can feel her smile.
"What about you? Did you talk to Jack?" She asks.

"I did. He offered more hours and to pay me more. And since I have nothing better to do,I think I'm gonna do it."
"That's great. And If you want,you can look around and maybe get a job at some club,they're full all summer,you'll have some fun."

"Nah. I think I'm just gonna spend this summer managing to live by myself. No offense gorgeous,living with you is a dream,but I need to get my shit together."
She chuckles "I'm proud of you. I'm just sad that you're gonna be all by your self."

"I wasn't gonna tell you this,but like a week ago,I saw this ad that was looking for young artists to help motivate disabled kids for art. I applied and did an interview,and It went great."
"Are you serious?" She asks as I answer her.

"Stefan,that's...amazing." Her voice is almost a whisper.
"I really hope they consider me. It would be great to help kids."
"You so deserve head right now."


Two days later.

"Of-fucking-course I'm a match. I'm a match to give bone marrow to my father. Who I look nothing alike by the way! And we went to dinner and he told me he loved me and was proud of me,something he hasn't said to me since I graduated high school with a 4,0 GPA,of course.And I fell for It like an alcoholic for a bottle of Tequila. And I can't pussy out,because I said I'd do it,and now they're gonna stick a fucking needle in my spine!"

"Good morning?" I barely open my eyes as she shouts at me over the phone.
"Fuck you,I'm having a panic attack. They made the appointment for the lumbar puncture procedure for next week."
"Charlie,calm down."

"I can't Stefan! I'm...scared." She says the last part slowly.
"Just say the word and I am on the first plane there."
"No. I don't want you to spend your money. Besides I'm probably not even gonna feel anything. And Lilly and Uri will be here."

"Seriously Charlie..."
"No. I'm sorry. I'm just freakin out."
"Talk to me."
"I just feel like my dad is only starting to reconnect with me because I'm the only one who can help him. I know that's why Loraine is being nice,but It hurts to think that about him."

"Your dad loves you. And talk to him.Ask him what he would say If you said no. Then you'll know for sure."

One week later.

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