Part 28/ Patience,babe.

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When you are young,specifically a teenager,and start dating or getting into relationships,there is a whole different mentality to it,contrary to when you are an adult.

When you start dating then,you are completely and utterly obsessed with that person.
You want to spend every second you are with them,doing something.
You just always want to go on a date,an adventure,feel your adrenaline pumping,making memories.
Because you think all your life is going to be like that,a constant adventure.

But,when you grow a little older,you realize that that really isn't the case.
Of course,you too are utterly obsessed with that person and wish to spend all your time with them,but not in a way were you are constantly on an adventure.

You understand that the person you should really be with is the person that you can do absolutely nothing with,and you'll still be having the best time of your life.
I finally found that person.

And currently,her head is on my lap,watching television,while I'm leaned against the couch,reading a book of hers which she let me borrow from her many ones.
She sighs once in a while,the back of my fingers tracing her bare arm,making goosebumps appear on her skin.

I divert me eyes to the television and see that she's actually watching some documentary about exotic flowers and trees.
"What is with you and plants?" I roll my eyes as she chuckles.
The first thing I noticed when I moved in here last year was that Charlie loved plants,and had them everywhere in the house.
The balcony was especially beautiful in the warmer weather,every surface covered in green or in different colors of beautiful flowers.

And then,when It got cold,she would move them inside,taking care of them as If they were little children.
"I don't know. I've been obsessed with them since I was little. I would get in so much trouble because I would pick flowers out of the neighborhood's gardens."

"What did your dad do?" I ask,actually interested in this fact.
"Nothing. He bought me my own flowers. I was seven years old and was planting my own flowers. I had roses,hydrangeas,tulips,palm trees,lilac trees,and various types of fruits."
"Does your garden still look that way?" She nods.

"I didn't really tend to it when my mom died,but after a while,that was one of the things that helped me get over it. She loved flowers too. Sucked at looking after them,but loved them." She smiles,looking up at me.
"Is there a specific plant that you would like to get,that you don't have?" I ask,running my fingers through her hair.

She bites her lip,and goes into deep thought,the action making me loose my mind.
"Believe it or not,but I don't have a cactus. And also I have been wanting to get a lemon tree,because I love being able to pick my own lemons."
"Okay. I'll se what I can do."

"I'm not asking you to buy them for me." She frowns.
"I know." I go back to reading as I feel her gaze on me.
"Do you like it?" She points to the book as I nod.
"I think I'm gonna try and read as many as I can,If you don't mind." I stroke her cheek.

"No,of course not. I was just a little surprised you had never read Withering Heights. Its a classic."
"I never had time to read I guess." I shrug.
Maybe twenty minutes go by,before we hear a knock on the door.
"Are you expecting anyone?" I ask as she shakes her head and gets up.

"Lilly and Uri are having dinner at that new place,I doubt It's them." She walks to the hall and I hear the key turning and the door opening.
"Hi. Can I help you?" Is the only thing I hear before a minute of silence.
"Charlie?" I call out and she answers from the doorway,a grim look on her face.
"Everything okay?" I put down the book.

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