Part 16/ All the old feelings...

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I hate to admit it.
I really,really do,but I missed it.
I missed sleeping in the same bed with this asshole.

He fell asleep on my chest while we were watching tv,wrapping his arms around me and rubbing his five o'clock shadow against my soft skin,kissing the top of my breast before falling asleep immediately,making me press my thighs together as I took deep breaths,closing my eyes and eventually falling asleep too.
But now in the morning, my leg was thrown over his hips,my head on his chest as his arm is wrapped around my waist,sleeping peacefully as I stare at him like a stalker.

He was just so damn beautiful.
His eyelashes resting on his cheek,his defined jaw,his lips parting slightly as he breathes,his large hand on my back,subconsciously pressing me against him.
So yes,I missed this.

He opens his eyes when his phone starts ringing,answering it,his sleepy voice catching me off guard,making my stomach clench as he looks down at me on his chest,a lazy smirk on his face as he continues his conversation
"It's fine man. I love starting off my weekend by talking to you." He says sarcastically while his hand starts rubbing my back.

I place gentle kisses on his arm,moving up his collarbone,and then towards his neck. I enjoy his scent,biting the skin lightly,as he just throws his head back,giving me more access to him. I lay on top of him,my hand moving under his shirt and towards the hem of his pajamas, teasing the skin there.

In a second,he flips us over so he's on top of me,his legs either side of my hips as he just places his free hand on my jaw,keeping me in place on the bed. He raises an eyebrow at me as I just smirk,before he shakes my head with his hand as a "No" gesture,indicating for me to behave.
"I'll look over them later,and will email them to him. Yes before noon. Now can I have my morning back,please? Thank you. Yeah,thanks." He hangs up,tossing the phone on the bed,before turning his attention to me.

He grabs my forearms,holding them down on either side of my face,him hovering over me as he kisses my cheek and then down my jaw.
"And what do you think you are doing,hm?"
"Saying good morning." I reply,closing my eyes slightly as his lips reached my neck.
"The phrase alone would have sufficed." He smiles against my skin.

"I know. But I slept really well. I missed this".
"Missed what,sweetness?"
"S-sleeping in your bed. With you. Your hands around me." I can't believe I'm saying this to him.
"Yeah?" He asks,making me nod,pushing against his hands as he pins me down.
"Well I must say,I also slept very very well. It may have been the fact that your body was next to me or on me at all times,but it also may be the fact that you smell like heaven..."
"Stefan..." I can't even finish my sentence because his lips are on mine,making my legs turn to jello when his tongue touches mine.

He lets go of my arms,letting me wrap them around his neck,his fingers squeezing my waist,as he deepens the kiss,moaning into my mouth. He pulls away,pecking my lips and gets to his feet,making me think that he's gonna take off his clothes,but he just picks up his phone and starts walking out of his room.
"What do you want for breakfast?"

I sit up s little,staring at him in confusion as the blood rushes up to my brain instead of my....northern regions "Huh?"
"Breakfast? Waffles?"
"I thought we were doing something,breakfast can wait."
He chuckles "No. I'm gonna make you some food,drive you to your place then go to my brother's law firm. I'll see you tonight at your place." He leaves, leaving me all horny and now frustrated.

I get off the bed,furious as ever as I go to the bathroom and slam the door behind me,looking at myself in the mirror.
"You're so pathetic. Acting like a high school virgin." I mumble to myself before brushing my teeth and washing my face.
I get dressed and gather my things in my bag,walking out of his room and past the kitchen,heading towards the front door.

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