Part 13/ So familiar.

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It's fine.
Calm down,okay? After he opens this door,pretend that you didn't just have five panic attacks coming here.
What the hell are we even doing? Who just casually has dinner with their ex boyfriend? What's wrong with you?

It's just dinner. He didn't insinuate anything more. Nothing more could ever happen.
Then why are you wearing a low cut top,and your best jeans?
Well....shut up.

"Hey." He opens the door with a smile,wearing casual clothes just like me,letting me walk inside the place where I already spent my morning in "Hi."
Taking off my jacket,he hangs it in the hall before we both walk to the kitchen,making small talk.

"Do you feel better? He asks,immediately going behind the kitchen island,chopping what looks like basil.
"I do. Thank you. Can I do anything to help?" I look around as he shakes his head "I got it. Just take a seat,I'll fill you up a glass of wine. White or red?" He asks,opening the fridge.
"Red." He nods,taking out two glasses as I sit on one of the stools.

He places it in front of me,as I thank him before taking a small sip,the flavor coating my tongue,making me think that this tastes expensive.
We talk about our day,as we make small conversations,as he asks me about my friends,and I ask him about work.

"Uri's cousin is getting married. His parents couldn't go,so he had to. He was really excited to bring Lilly. His family is awesome."
"I'm sure they're having a great time,then."
"Yeah." I look over at all the complicated ingredients,making me frown "What are you making?"

"Shrimp scampi pasta,and garlic bread," He points to the bread in the over "I was gonna make steak,but you love pasta,so."
"Since when do you know how to make something else other than a grilled cheese?"
He chuckles "Since I took cooking lessons. Don't get me wrong,I still make a mean grilled cheese,but now I can cook."

"Was it fun?"
"Yeah. Something that helped keep me busy from spiraling." He says,draining the noodles and mixing it with the sauce.
"The Italian models weren't enough?" I ask,making him look at me,a small smirk on his lips.

"Is there something you want to ask me,Charlie?"
"A million things,really. I'm just trying to be civil."
"Then don't. I have things I need to know too."
"So no bullshit,just questions. And we have to be honest?"
"No bullshit."

"Okay. How many people have you slept with since we broke up?" I take a sip of my wine,leaning back into the chair.
He smiles "I knew you were gonna ask that. Eight ." He answers.
"Including Chloe?"

"You've been keeping busy."
"It's been two years,Charlie. That's not even a big number. With the way I was feeling, I'm surprised I didn't hit triple digits."
"No judgement."
"Sure. What about you? Including Wesley."

I clear my throat,my face feeling hot as I finish my drink,gathering the courage to answer "Zero."
"Come again?" He puts down his knife,his attention completely on me.
"You're the last person I slept with."
" haven't...why?"
I shrug "Just didn't feel like getting physical with anyone. I was physically and emotionally closed off."

"But two years? Come on."
I laugh "It's really not that hard. After like 4-5 months you get used to it. And it's quite pleasant. You see people for who they are when you don't let them get into your pants. And after I stopped taking my birth control,I finalized it."
"So the chances of me getting some is-..."
"Absolutely none. Nope." We both laugh,as he plates the food and takes them to the dining table.

It's beautifully set with candles and flowers,two seats close to each other at the top right corner of the table,so we'd be close instead of sitting opposite of each other.
He pulls out my chair for me,and places the cloth on my lap,the slight contact of his fingers on my thighs making my breath catch in my throat "Thank you."

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