Part 13 / Nuclear bomb.

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"Anything you say,can and will be held against you. So only say my name." - Just one yesterday,
Fall Out Boy.



"So you uh...just drank half a bottle huh?"
"Hey,you don't see me judging your life decisions. Leave me and my liver alone."

"I'm not the one who drank half a bottle of Malibu."
"Uriah,just walk me to my door and go back home to groping my best friend."
"Good God..." He sighs "Why couldn't you and Lilly just hate each other. That would have been way  better than you knowing details about my sex life."

I chuckle "If you think I'm drunk now,wait till I dance on the table at your wedding." He smiles as he kisses my cheek and opens the front door.
"Thank you. Oh,pro tip ; Hair pulling,yes. Neck kisses,no. Lilly's ticklish."
"Jesus Christ. Night Charlie." He shakes his head as he walks down the stairs.

I laugh for some reason when I walk in,and I realize it's because of the awkwardness between me and Stefan.
It has been two weeks, and It's as if we're still strangers.
And I know i fucked up,but I just can't decide when.

When I stopped him from kissing me back at the hotel?

Or,when I kissed him and he said stop?

Both times,I wanted him so bad,but something inside me wouldn't give in.
I was embarrassed when he stoped me,but now I'm kinda glad he did.
I just can't picture myself with him in an intimate way,and I don't know why.

But,I miss him. I miss my friend.
The one who would make popcorn while I put on a movie.
The one I could have conversations about books for hours.
The one who people still glance at with disgust,but doesn't stop him from being nice.
Yeah,I miss him.

I look at the couch and see that It's empty,except for Frank,who is sleeping.
Is he out?
Maybe he slept over at some girl's place?
Maybe a girl who isn't so fucked up, irresponsible and has more issues than you can count?

Since when do you put your self down Charlotte?

I groan and take of the short skirt and shirt and throw them in the laundry basket before I put on my pajamas and stumble to my room.
I frown for a couple of seconds at the huge figure on my bed and then It hits me after a few seconds that it's Stefan.

He's sleeping on his side on my bed.
I crack my neck before I climb in the bed beside him.
He stirs slightly and opens his eyes when I lay down facing him.
"Hey." He says in a sleepy voice.

"How was Phoenix?" He asks.
"Okay. I roofied a guy who tried to roofie me."
"What? How does that even..."
"I miss you." I cut him off.

What are you even saying?
Drunk mind,sober thoughts?

"I've been home all day." He says in confusion.
"No,I miss you. I miss us eating at fast food places and watching bad movies..."
"With your amazing commentary?" He asks as I smile and nod.

"Can we just please forget everything that happened and go back to being friends? Because I really like who I am when I'm with you..."
Did I really just say that?

"I'm drunk." I add on as he chuckles.
"I know. Tequila?"
He smiles before kissing my forehead and pulling me  closer with his arm around me.

What is happening?


"That's it? You just cuddled back to sleep?"
"We didn't cuddle. He just hugged me. That's it. Even when he said goodbye this morning it felt a thousand pounds less awkward."

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