Part 26/Third base...

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I have known Lilly for half of my life.
Yes,she is my best friend,almost my sister and I would die for her in a heartbeat.
So,that is exactly why I should be the one to point out one of her biggest flaws.

She wears her heart on her sleeve.

She has always been the most sensitive and vulnerable person I know.
Her mom always used to say that her tears are on her eyelashes,ready to just fall.
I love her,and I love that she has a big heart,but It kills me that It's so fragile.

We have this one sided relationship where I barely talk about my feelings,because I just don't want to and hate it,and she doesn't judge me.
And she cries her heart out and sobs while I don't judge her.
It's just always been like that.

And this isn't the only fight with Uriah she's cried about.
Of course,like every couple,they fight,but one that caused Lilly to cry this much,was the one when we were seniors.
Uriah got waitlisted for this University,and his parents were accusing him of sabotaging his future for just one girl,and that made Lilly loose her mind.

But we made it through that,and we're gonna make it through this.
Whatever it is.

"I am actually terrified that If you cry any longer,your body will shut down from dehydration." I say calmly while I run my hands through her hair.
She lifts her head from my lap and nods
"Okay. Okay,I'm done." She sniffles a couple of times before she looks at me and smiles.
"What happened?"

She chuckles before wiping her eyes with the back of her hands.
"We were just eating takeout,and I just told him about what you were planning after graduation,and in an instant he tells me he's thinking about joining the army. Possibly dropping out and doing it earlier." She starts crying again while speaking.
"What?!" I tip her chin so she can look at me "Is he out of his ever loving mind?!"

"I know! And I told him that. I told him that he would be throwing all his hard work away,and that I couldn't handle a relationship where I would only see him once maybe twice a year. He proceeded to say that If his brother and his wife can do it,so can we,then we proceeded to shout and throw things,and I just left."
"Who the hell put those ideas in his head?"

"I don't know. He mentioned some of his buddies were talking about it. Charlie,I can't loose him." She sighs as I rub my temples,already getting a headache from all of this.
"Where is he?"
"Home. If he hasn't left." She shrugs.

"C'mon. Let's go," I reach my hand out to her "We have to talk some sense into him."


Uriah had been living at this apartment since freshman year,and is planning to until the end of the year.
It's a nice place,not to far away from the campus and a five minute drive from my place.
So,that's where we go,and find him there,with a broom,cleaning up some of the pieces of glass amongst other things on the floor.

"Uri?" I say slowly as he turns and looks at both me and Lilly.
"I would appreciate It If you replied to my text next time you storm out,so I know you're not lying in a fucking ditch." We both flinch at his tone,because he isn't one to snap.
"Calm down. We're here to talk."

"There's nothing to talk about. If I make up my mind,there is no one that can change it."
"You're being really selfish Uri. Think about your girlfriend,me,your mom. She has suffered enough with your dad and Jimmy. And now you too?"
"She'll get over it. And what's so wrong about wanting to serve my country? If Lilly was as supportive as she says she is,she would understand."

"Fuck you!" She steps in front of me and stares at him "I would support you If you really wanted that. But you and I know the reason your brought this up now,when just yesterday you were talking about law school."
"And why is that?" He walks towards her.

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