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Grinning like a lovestruck teenager, Mrs Lovett rested her chin in the palm of her laced gloved hand while listening intently to the man opposite her on the table. Well, maybe not listening but admiring.....

Never minding the busy buzz of the evening rush she focused only on Edward, only on the man she had been secretly courting these last few weeks. Well, she calls it secret but she is aware that Toby and even Mr Todd are aware of her new found relationship with the handsome layer. Never in a million years would she have thought that one day she'd been swept of her feet by a man that wasn't her barber. Sweeney Todd was a selfish man in her eyes now, who only used her to clear up his dirty work, and dirty laundry for that matter. Mrs Lovett had cried many times over the barber and finally she had decided enough was enough. It was a new year and therefore a new chapter. 

She had made herself a new years resolution that she would not cry over Mr Todd anymore and that she would look for affection in someone else's arms. Of course none of this happened right away, she still bowed down to the barbers every beck and call. Still cared for him in her lonely heart despite her promise to forget about him.

But on one cold evening Edward Clark came shivering into her parlour looking for a nice hot pie to warm his chilly self. He had a face carved by the gods, his handsome features were enough to make her heart flutter when his eyes met hers for the first time. He had short dark hair much like Benjamin barker had and dark brown eyes again like Ben. His smile was something enchanting and from the moment they had set eyes on one another Mrs Lovett could feel the butterflies humming about at the pit of her giddy stomach. He had noticed her in a way no man had ever before. He was charming and sweet, Mrs Lovett just adored him.  

Eleanore Lovett for some strange reason had not given him a human meat pie. It was as if her conscience was telling her not to and instead she made him a pie with some normal meat she had stored away for herself and Mr Todd. And thank goodness she stuck with her gut and didn't give in to giving him human meat, because here he was, her now lover. The moment he had come back to the pie shop after that one visit she knew he was going to ask her out. Mrs Lovett knew from the very moment they had laughed over a glass of gin together that there were fireworks there. They got so close so quickly, had shared their first kiss under her favourite oak tree in the park just a week after their first meeting. Edward meant everything to her now, he was perfect.  

You could say Nellie Lovett was soppy in love. In love with a man she had now known for 5 weeks today. Not that she had told him yet that she loved him, that news still seemed a little to soon to spring on him.

"Eleanore have you been listening to me?" Edward smirked that devilishly grin at her as he brought his glass of gin to his taunting lips and sipped away looking at her gooey eyes.

"Course dear, somthin' bout the pollution in our city..." she replied in that strong cockney accent of hers that he adored so much. Edward Clark was from a well brought up family, he didn't class himself too posh but he certainly spoke well and was very educated. He unlike some of his brothers had different idea's of marriage. Edward believed in love and not that it should be arranged by their parents.

Peering at her over his glass he shook his head with a small smile. "Pollution around this part is the worst, your chimney needs to be thoroughly looked at" he explained raising his eyebrow knowingly only making her gulp a little at what he had just said. The bakehouse! That bloody deathtrap should be cermented out of sight. She wished she never had to look at it and what was worse she feared Edward may one day find out about her and Mr Todd's evil. That scared her more then anything right now, she was frightened to lose Edward. 

Noticing the worried frown that appeared on her face as she seemed in a world of her own had him laughing a little at her. "Penny for your thoughts?"

Looking back at him she broke into as small smile and shook her head before leaning forward on the table with her crossed arms. "Kiss me" she chuckled that dirty laugh of hers, eyes gleaming away at him as well as her exposed bosom that gave him an eyeful.

Leaning in closer to her and locking their lips he smiled as she melted into the sweet kiss he was giving her.

"Mum! will ya please come 'elp me!" Toby shouted over the crowds of people enjoying their pies only watching as she broke her kiss and giggled as she looked over her shoulder to see him. "Comin' dear!"

"Was my fault Toby!" Edward also piped up only laughing as the boy rolled his eyes with a smirk and continued working. Toby really liked Edward, he liked having someone making his mum happy and also liked to wind them up from time to time. It was like he had a proper family now....

"Come see me later this evenin'" Nellie whispered quietly to him as she stood from the table and winked at him knowingly.

"Of course my dear" he replied with a dark glint in his eye that always excited her. Leaning down and kissing him again she giggled against his mouth as he pulled her quickly into his lap causing her to laugh loudly over the crowd as his arms linked around her waist tightly. 

"Mum!" Toby yelled again.

"Comin'" her laughter was all Edward needed to smile and he winked at her as she finally broke away and walked away from him still carrying the blush he had left on her cheeks.

Meanwhile just upstairs was Sweeney Todd glaring down at him like he was the king of all scum. Of course Edward was to distracted with Nellie to see the barber's evil glares. Sweeney hated him! he hated Nellie too for ever allowing a man of the law into their lives. Lives in which the law was certainly not needed. Mrs Lovett was distracted from her work. Distracted from helping him and his revenge!

He wanted so desperately to put an end to this stupid secret affair they were having. Sweeney Todd was not a man to be messed with and right now he was in the mood to kill. To kill every man that entered his parlour no matter who they were. Mrs Lovett was driving him crazy with anger. She wasn't meant to have a relationship! He wanted her to remain focused on their plan. He didn't want his parter in crime to be in some sick relationship that for some reason not known to him drew him insanely Jealous. Whether that Jealously was because he didn't have that connection with Lucy anymore he did not know. Or whether he found his lustful mind wanting the baker he had no idea!

The only thing Sweeney Todd did know was that he didn't want his landlady in a relationship. And if he didn't want something, he would put an end to it! 

A/N: Small teaser for my upcoming story. Thought you guys deserved it considering I finished Through Devils eyes quite suddenly....still sorry about that. Not sure when the next chapter will be up as I want to start writing as much as this out before I post it! But I hope I have gained your interested and hope you can forgive me for ending my last sweenett story so soon.... love you all! 













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