The Law

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Mrs Lovett gasped noticing the boy was no where to be seen. The bed sheets were all a mess as if he had rushed off quickly. She glanced at Sweeney in horror seeing he too was shocked that the boy seemed to disappear as soon as they headed out of the tiny bathroom.

"Where is he?" He said almost angrily sharing the same worried expression before grabbing the door handle to their bedroom after hearing the commotion outside. Opening it up a little trying not to be spotted, he saw most of the women working in the brothel all shouting to each other and glancing at the wide open front door at the bottom of the stairs. They were waving their arms about and yelling at what they had just all witnessed. It was as if someone had just barged past them and run out, which they did....

"How did that little boy get in?"

"Who was that?"

"What the bloody hell is he doin' ere?!"

They called out to one another before one said something that made Sweeney's eyes widen.

"He said something about the law"

Right at the moment Sweeney shut the door and turned to an anxious Mrs Lovett who couldn't hear what was happening outside. He saw the worry in her eyes and the way she looked at him for answers.

"He's gone to the law" he breathed eyes darting frantically as if trying to think of a plan.

Covering her mouth with her hand her eyes widened at this. "What!"

"We have to leave" he said bluntly walking past her.

"Sweeney" Mrs Lovett complained needing more of an explanation.

"The boy has gone to the law, we need to get out of here now" he told her throwing her her bag of belongings and placing his own bag over his shoulder. She caught the bag and stood there for a moment looking almost stunned and very confused. Why would Toby run off like that? Was he really going to the law? She was sure he wouldn't do that!

"Put this on" he said hurriedly handing her her dress. She frowned to herself still in a state of shock to which Sweeney noticed. "Nellie, we have to leave now" he pushed the dress into her hands looking at her as she met his eyes.

"He wouldn't ave' done that" she said softly tears brimming in her eyes. He stared into her hurt eyes only holding back from snapping at her or rolling his own eyes at her naivety. Why couldn't she see that the boy was never on their side. She was so blind, yet he held back from doing or saying anything he regretted. After all they had only just spoken about him trying to understand and get to know the boy a little better.

"Put the dress on..." he ordered.


Running as fast as his tired legs would allow Toby flew down the streets of London desperate to find help. He needed to help his Mum who clearly had made an awful mistake. He had over heard her crying and listened to her pleads! even witnessed her hurt. Sweeney Todd was trouble! Dangerous and aggressive and after hearing his mum telling him all she had done for him had made him mad. She had given up the perfect life, a life where she could have been happy with Edward! A life where they wouldn't have to run!

He had heard her say she wouldn't give him up as well and that broke Toby's heart. He knew the barber was a bad and selfish man but he didn't realise the strain he had put on his Mum to get rid of him too. Toby wouldn't allow Mr Todd to push him out! As soon as he heard that he left the brothel within an instant.

He had been running for ages now. He didn't care! He needed to find a copper and get Mr Todd out of his mums life, for good. He realised it could get him into trouble but he knew that after everything his mum would forgive him. Sweeney Todd didn't deserve her! She was too good and too kind to be his wench for the rest of her life. She needed Edward! And Toby was going to make sure that from now on she would be happy. No more tears.

Sweeney would only make her miserable. He knew that as it was already happening!

Stopping on a street corner for breath Toby placed his hands on his knees and hunched over as he drew in some air. He was knackered.

"You alright there?" A mans voice appeared from behind. Toby whizzed round seeing an officer standing there with his arms folded. He smiled a little in relief.

"Was wonderin' if ya could help me sir" He breathlessly said.

"What with?" The officer asked his deep voice booming as he spoke.

"I have a friend, his name is Edward Clark....he used to work for Judge Turpin before he went missin'...." Toby explained only to be cut off.

"Yes I know him"

Toby eyes widened in delight "great can you take me to em? Mr Clark would see me sir" Toby said, sure that if he told Edward that Toby Rag was wanting to speak to him that Edward would see him. They were very close after all...

"What's your name?" The officer asked


"Very well Toby, but Mr Edward Clark goes by a different title, he's now Judge Clark...."

A/N: The new Judge....😱 I want to thank sweenett-hbc as this was her idea and she deserves the credit! I think this will really shake up the story a bit! Haha thanks for reading!!

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