We're the same Evil

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Lifting her skirts and trudging her way up to Mr Todd's parlour, Mrs Lovett huffed a stay curl from her face as she continued to climb the stairs. The old wooden steps creaked under every step her heeled boots made. Finally she was off to bed. She had spent about an hour seeing that her guests tonight were happy where they were sleeping and comfortable for that matter. Edward and his sister Margo would be sharing her room while she stayed with Sweeney. The very fact Mr Todd had brilliantly come up with this plan made her only want to roll her eyes at him. He really was a cunning man that was for sure.

Reaching the balcony Mrs Lovett tapped on the barbers shop door before opening it up. "Mista T?" the bell above the door rang and after no answer she proceeded in heading for his bedroom. She smiled however seeing that his bedroom door was open and he himself was sat on one half of the double bed with a book in his hand. An image Mrs Lovett never thought she would see.

Standing in the door way she placed her hands on her hips and smirked as he finally looked up at her. "Readin' now are we?" she stated smirking more when he simply just closed the book slowly, his unreadable eyes still on her. He didn't respond simply pulled up the covers on the other side of the bed before gently stroking the mattress as if to tell her to come over to him.

Smirking knowingly at this Mrs Lovett chuckled a little before walking into the room and undoing her corset from the front. A move in which she had caught Sweeney's full attention now. He was sat on top of the covers still wearing his everyday clothes but had unbuttoned his shirt and had removed his shoes. The room was chilly but she knew as soon as she got in beside him she wouldn't be for long.

"What an evenin'..." she stated glancing back at him with a small wink that made his straight lips crease into a naughty smirk. The pair of them only had to look at one another to see what the other was thinking and after their heated evening on the settee, neither one of them could hide the playfulness in their knowing eyes. Now that she had untied her corset, she removed it from herself allowing her body to now breath freely in her dress. "Thought ya promised Edward you'd be sleepin' out there" she teased him noticing the spark of danger flicker in his eyes. Danger in the fact his eyes seemed to be watching her undress, as if they were glued to her.

"If I did that pet, I wouldn't be with you" he finally spoke voice low and husky, dark and so very attractive. His eyes met hers again and she pouted to hold back another giggle.

Stepping out of her dress she smiled again when Sweeney's eyes traced her body through the slip she was wearing underneath. The thin silky material showed him every curve and shape to her body in which she could see his eyes darken with desire. For months he hadn't so much as graced at her now he didn't seem to stop looking.

Climbing into the bed beside him Mrs Lovett lifted the covers over herself and looked back at him with a smirk. "Ya managed to annoy quite a few people this evenin'..."

He didn't respond to that, instead settled for getting off the bed just to lift the covers up and climb back in next to her. He leaned all his body weight on his side so he could look at her directly in the eyes, he knew just who she was talking about. First Toby and then Edward, but he didn't care. Unless he had hurt Mrs Lovett no-one else was a worry to him.

Looking at him Mrs Lovett saw he didn't seem at all bothered who he might of upset tonight and for that she raised one eyebrow at him while she pulled the covers up higher around them both. "Just so you know dear, Edward wants me back in me room tomorrow night and for Margo to be up ere' with you, providing you stay in your barbers chair that is" she explained suddenly seeing the hardening to his eyes hearing this.

"I don't want any other woman up here Mrs Lovett, and I certainly don't want you sleeping next to Edward at night" Sweeney's tone was strong and persistent which caught her off guard a bit. He wasn't shouting or raising his voice in any way but his dominating tone had her feeling nervous all of a sudden.

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