Soon my Love

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It was Midday. Customer after customer had walked through Sweeney Todd's shop doors. Some had been lucky enough to leave with their neck perfectly in nic, while others made their way down the blood stained shoot down to Mrs Lovett's dirty bake house. The crack and splatter of each body hitting the hard concrete floor still gave him pleasure. Still caused that infamous smirk of his to grace his thin lips.

After yet another day of boredom and silence, Sweeney felt in no mood to be particularly polite to anyone that walked into his shop, even if they were friendly with him. He was beginning to become gloomy all over again. After not seeing Nellie since the picnic had really took its toll on him and his mood. He hoped that he might have bumped into her last night when he snuck downstairs to get something to eat and drink. But no, instead he ended up listening to Margo waffle on about her deceased father as if she was trying to confide in him and find some comfort. Which she did not get.

His twisted mind and dark thoughts were the only thing keeping him from going down to see Nellie. He didn't want to look like a little puppy dog chasing after her, nor did he want her to know just how much he really missed her. It was a little embarrassing for a man such as himself to be pinning like he was.

The pie shop door rang again and Sweeney was shaken from his thoughts as he turned to see his next customer. His eyes widened however seeing the Beadle standing there narrowing his eyes on the barber as if he was some suspect.

"Good afternoon" the Beadle greeted snarling as he spoke, his yellow teeth visible through his greasy lips. "I'm hear on a matter of business Mr Todd, you see my good friend has been missing for quite some time now and I and a few others have started a search party....Judge Turpin, the name ring any bells?" Walking towards the barber slowly The Beadle narrowed his eyes again on him as if trying to figure something out.

Faking a smile Sweeney shook his head "The name is one I couldn't forget, however his whereabouts is a mystery to me too I'm afraid"

The bell rang again over his shop door causing them both look to see Mrs Lovett waltz in with a tray of food in her clutches. "Glad to see ya ave' had that bell fixed....ere' ya..." she finally looked up only shutting herself up seeing he wasn't alone.

"Oh, do excuse me" Nellie mumbled nervously placing down the tray about to rush out only to have the Beadle stop her. "Actually Mrs Lovett I would like to speak to you too" her hand was hovering over the door knob and her face winced knowing she would have to turn around and face him. The Beadle in her eyes was far worse then the Judge, he was disgusting and vile, hideous and grotesque toward women.

Turning round she glanced at Sweeney awkwardly before gulping as her eyes met the Beadle's. " 'ow can I 'elp?"

"Judge Turpin has gone missing, has been for quite awhile now you wouldn't of happened to see him? Or know of anyone that has"

Stepping further into the room Nellie pouted her lips as if she was really racking her brain to think. Something that had Sweeney smiling a little in her direction. He was sure to witness the brilliant liar at her best. "No I haven't, however I know that he is a great lover of Mrs Mooney's pies down the street, maybe you should ave a word with ere?"

The Beadle frowned slightly at Mrs Lovett and how she would know such a thing about the Judge yet even so he seemed to take that on board. "Then I shall visit Mrs Mooney"

"But before that how about a shave?" Sweeney cut in so brilliantly and calmly that all Nellie could do was smile at him and his effortless way of luring men to his death chair.

"I-i don't know Mr Todd" he mumbled turning round to look at the barber who hushed him and ushered him to the chair.

"It won't take long I assure you, please...sit" he smiled darkly his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

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