I Love Him, That Will Never Change

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It was dark outside. So dark now that Mrs Lovett couldn't help but worry about Toby and where he might be. He hadn't been home since she threw him out after their argument this morning. All day she had been thinking about her little boy, her sweet young Toby who only had her best interests at heart. She was hurt by him yes, but then all he was trying to do was protect her. She knew Toby had a heart of gold, he was a good lad and would never intentionally hurt her...

Sitting on her Chaise longue with her feet up and head resting up against the back of the chair Nellie sat waiting for Toby to arrive home. She had been there most of the afternoon watching as the grey skies of London turned black. Her eyes were becoming heavy and her body had practically sunken into the long chair after sitting there for so long. She hadn't heard from Sweeney either, not that he knew all that was going on but still a part of her wished he would just come down from him shop and see her. All she could hear above was his bloody pacing which was doing her head in not to mention the worry in her mind that Toby was lost somewhere or in danger. She had considered going to look for him but if she was honest she was worried he would come back and she wouldn't be there to see him return safely. So she decided to just wait. 

It must have been at least 2 hours now that she had been sat here in her dark living room with just the open fire lighting up the room a little. She was feeling herself begin to fall back to sleep, her eyes were stinging from the tears she had shed throughout the course of the afternoon not to mention the boring as well. Nellie gathered that was why she felt so tired, it wasn't like she had her shop open today, so there really was no excuse for her lazing about like this and still feeling so shattered. She tried her best not to think of the worst, for when she did she would begin to tear up again; she just wanted him home. She also wished Sweeney was here with her right now, she needed him by her side through this. However Nellie knew he wouldn't care that the boy had run off, she knew he hated him and for that she closed her eyes trying to suppress the need to weep. 

Keeping her eyes closed, slowly Nellie allowed herself to drift off peacefully and rest. The warmth of the fire and the crackling of the flames was enough to make anyone sleepy....

After about 15 minutes of rest Nellie found her eyes fluttering open to the sound of Toby's soft voice calling her from the door way. "Mum" he continued to whisper slowly removing his cap from his head and scrunching it nervously in his hands as she began to wake up.

Blinking her eyes open and shifting a little on the chair Mrs Lovett finally spotted Toby standing by the door. Her sleepy eyes soon widened a little from shock and her heart leaped from her chest, he was back! "Toby" she breathed in both relief and sadness seeing him looking so broken in the door way. It was as if that 15 minute kip had brought him back to her, like her wishes had been granted.

Stretching out one arm she smiled kindly and tiredly beckoning him to walk over to her. "Come ere love..." she braved a sad smile hoping that he would do as she said. 

Hesitantly Toby moved from the door way and into the living room until he was stood over her as she laid there on her favourite chair. As he caught her gaze he could see the slight redness to her eyes and puffiness making it clear she had been crying in his absence. "I-I'm sorry mum" he said lip quivering as he saw her looking so beat and exhausted. Her heart ripped seeing him like this and without hesitation she pulled him into her arms. Toby laid down beside her wrapping his arms around her just as tightly as she did. "I'm sorry too" she whispered tearfully hugging him so tight she was sure she could feel his little heart even against her corset. 

"I love ya Toby so much son" she weeped softly kissing his cheek over and over before stroking his hair gently with her laced gloved hand. 

Burying his face in her warm neck he cried silently still embracing his mum so close and protectively. "I didn't mean to upset ya mum, I just want what's best for ya honest I do" he began pulling away a little to look at her. His eyes spoke such a love and truth that Nellie couldn't help but give him a warm smile. "I just don't want ya gettn' hurt again mum, I just thought that you loved Edward, thought you were 'appy"

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