The Ugly Truth

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Frowning deeply at the tickling sensation on his chin Sweeney Todd was too tired to even open his eyes to se what it was. He felt movement in his arms like something he was holding was trying to wriggle it's way free. However what he was holding seemed to just turn in his hold. Well, he only gathered that considering the tickling sensation on his neck and chin was replaced with something smooth and warm. Cracking his eyes open just a little Sweeney found himself embracing the baker in her bed. Her head was now tucked between the crook of his neck and one of her arms was no wrapped around his own waist. They were now both laying on their sides facing one another.

He opened his eyes a little further to see Mrs Lovett's wild main of red curls cascading down just beneath her shoulders. He gathered that was what must have been tickling him before and for that he smirked a little. He could tell she had fallen fast asleep again just by the way her breathing seemed a little heavier and her body weight all the same. Not that he thought she was heavy but he could tell if he was to move away from her she'd probably fall flat faced on the pillow.

Now awake Sweeney tried his best not to move too much in case he would wake her. Really and truly he didn't want to just in case she may pull away from him. Sweeney had to admit lying here like this had never been so comforting and natural to him before. He had never even been this intermit with Lucy. Cuddling in bed was something he  had never done with anyone and for that he realised he had been missing a lot. Deep in his heart he knew he adored this woman that he was holding in his arms and realised how stupid he had been trying to block his feelings for the baker. As soon as he got to the Judge and was able to cleanse his mind and soul of the vermin that was Turpin, he wanted to continue living this way with Eleanore. He wanted to be with her no matter who he would have to kill that got in his way.

That lead him to his one big obstacle, Edward. The thought of killing that man now made his heart beat fast with adrenaline. He hated that Edward was still in the picture, he should have finished him off as soon as he had had the chance. He should have known from the first moment Mrs Lovett had set her eyes on the lawyer she would be in ore of him. What a fool he was not to offer that man a shave then and there... 

The small groan he suddenly heard for Mrs Lovett brought him out of his murderous trance. He noticed her fidgeting again before her eyes fluttered open making him subtly smile down at her. She was so beautiful when sleeping and even more so when she opened up those brown eyes to meet his. God, he knew he was falling hard and what surprised him most was that he didn't seem to mind either.

Pushing herself a little to look at him Nellie smiled sleepily "Morning love"

"Morning" he whispered back before gently pressing his lips to her warm forehead. This very sweet gesture suddenly made her nervous. She was falling into this little trap again when she promised herself she wouldn't. Removing herself from him slowly she pulled the covers off to get out of her bed. She didn't want him being this sweet with her, I mean she did but not just yet. She needed to talk to Edward before she could go running into Sweeneys arms again. But if he continued to kiss and cuddle her like this she was sure she would be rolling about in these sheets again with him before long. She needed control.

Watching as she pulled on her dressing gown over her night dress Sweeney became aware of the fact she seemed a little quite. Not like her at all....

"Everything alright pet?" He asked pushing himself up from the bed, still wearing the same clothes as the day before.

"Uh just wonderin' if I should open the shop today, feel awfully tired from yesterdays mad bones could do with a bit of rest" She explained walking round to him and smiling a little as he pulled her back into his arms and pressed another kiss to her forehead much to her already weak heart. This man was killing her inside and he didn't even know it.

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