You and Me

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Toby snuggled down into the bed getting himself warm while he watched his Mum wash her face in the very small bathroom. She splashed water up into her face from the sink and patted it down with a towel. The room was rather large but the bathroom was tiny and not that clean.

Toby could tell she was feeling anxious. She had just left Mr Todd; slapped his face and walked away without even glancing back. He knew that she must be feeling worried about him. But Toby was sure that Mr Todd had watched them walk into this brothel, at least that's who he thought he saw lurking in the shadows....

He still didn't like the barber. Not one bit and Toby was sure that Mr Todd didn't like him either he had heard his mum yelling something about him to Mr Todd but he didn't quite catch what they were arguing about.

"Are you alright Mum?" Toby finally buckled up the courage to ask just as the door to their bedroom opened up. Toby jumped up in the bed seeing the woman that helped them and Mr Todd. "here" she said to him to which Nellie rushed out of the bathroom and threw her hands to her hips when Sweeney came in.

"He was persistent" the woman said to Mrs Lovett rolling her eyes before closing the door, not really caring too much.

Looking at Mrs Lovett in just her underwear Sweeney frowned, he didn't understand why she had gotten undressed in a place like this.

"Well?" She snapped.

Glancing over at Toby he noticed the boy watching them both closely and so he pulled her into the bathroom much to her surprise.


He shut the door to give them a little privacy and turned to look at her. "Where's your dress?" Was the first thing that tumbled from his lips. Mrs Lovett crossed her arms in front of herself feeling ever so exposed in this tiny bathroom they were now squeezed in together.

"Had to take it off to get in this place, been blendin' in with the rest of them 'ere just to get a bed for the night" she said bitterly truly ashamed of herself for walking into this awful brothel in just her underwear.

Sweeney saw the embarrassment in her eyes and the anger too. She wasn't happy, he was making her unhappy...

"Now I've got me'self turnin' into a whore for ya...anything else you want to strip from me dear?" She scoffed in anger her eyes so full of anger.

"What are you talking about?" He said calmly seeing the hurt in her eyes so clearly now. Looking at him and shaking her head in despair Nellie felt tears brimming to her eyes. However she wouldn't let them fall, she held back from showing him just how much this hurt. Did he not see at all what he had done? Could not see why she was so upset?

"Look at me Sweeney" she said quietly her eyes glazing with tears as she looked at him. "Take a good look and see exactly what I'm putting my self through for you" she began holding back the tears as best she could and keeping strong. His eyes canned her face seeing how broken-hearted she looked and for that he felt the guilt swell in the pit of his stomach.

"I've given up everythin' my relationship with Edward, my home, my belongings even the clothes off my back it seems....and ya still expect me to give up the one thing I 'ave left to hold onto.....if ya can't see what a monster this make you then I'm not sure I even want to be with you" she finished with a whisper looking into his dark eyes painfully. She could see her words had surprised him. She knew it was harsh but she felt so upset, she needed him to see all she had done for him.

"I'm not giving up Toby, and if you don't like that or won't even try to make things work between you then...." she was cut off suddenly when he bent down and kissed her almost desperately. His hand soon settled over her hip making sure she wouldn't pull away and thankfully she didn't. Instead she just allowed his kiss to continue, it was soft and warm no harshness or aggression to it. Just love....

Breaking away slowly Sweeney kept the closeness and wrapped his arms around her waist. She closed her eyes as his forehand pressed softly against hers and breathed slowly through her parted lips regaining her breath.

"I'm sorry, I love you and want to give you the life you deserve...." he whispered running his hands slowly up and down the back of her corset keeping her close.

"I've been selfish" he said pressing a sweet kiss to her forehead and leaving his lips to linger there "I never want to be the one to make you cry pet, I really am sorry"

She didn't want to be so weak yet she was so drained. So tried that right now she didn't have the energy to fight him. She loved him, loved him so much his words made her want to cry just because they were so kind and sincere. She knew he sometimes was oblivious to his surrounding, but Mrs Lovett knew he had a warm heart deep down. And it was only at times like these when she was able to see the love he had for her.

Looking up at him Nellie met his apologetic eyes seeing that he truly meant it. Her eyes began to flicker over his face admiring his beautiful features and inviting lips. She then lifted her hand to the back of his head, gently stroking his hair. She gave him the smallest of smiles before pressing her lips to his briefly "we need each other" she whispered when they broke apart.

"I need you" he told her meaning it so very much. Only Mrs Lovett could make him feel this way, she was the only person he ever wanted to spend his time with. He should have seen it sooner just what she had done for him and what she had given up. He knew she would forever be loyal to him no matter the circumstances.

"Just keep tellin' me that and I'll be smiling no matter what bad things may come our way" she said a small smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. He smiled back at her and pressed another tender kiss to her forehead.

"Only good from now on pet"

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