The Gunshot

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Where the bloody hell was that man.... Mrs Lovett tutted to herself under her breath as she bravely walked down St Brides street alone. Sweeney had told her he would be with her and yet he was no where to be seen. After their heated argument last night she wondered if he had just left her to deal with Mr Collins and his blackmail on her own. That thought alone made her grit her teeth in frustration.

"Stupid bastard" she muttered glancing around the empty alleyway still continuing to talk shit about the barber even when he wasn't around.

"Ah Mrs Lovett" Jumping out of her skin and whizzing herself round suddenly to the taunting voice of Mr Collins she let out a little gasp whilst covering her chest from shock. "Ever so on edge today" he smirked his eyes piercing through her own as he eyed her cautiously before looking over her shoulder.

"Glad you came alone, just like we had arranged" she narrowed her eyes on him and cleared her throat awkwardly before pulling a heavy tied up brown bag from her coat pocket. The weight of the bag alone made Mr Collins smile and already he extended out his hand to receive the money.

Mrs Lovett glanced at him worriedly before handing over the 'money' she watched as he snatched it from her grip and began opening the top of the bag. "It's all there no need to count" she quickly interjected eyes wide in fear and panic. Mr Collins opened the top of the bag and glared at what he saw. He looked at Mrs Lovett slowly who's face was screaming guilt and worry. Gritting his teeth he grabbed her wrist harshly before she could make one more move.

Wincing under his grip she watched as he lifted the bag above her hand and then began to pour out the content into her palm. That content being a whole load of sand and a few coins here and there in the mix. She gulped as he tightened his grip around her wrist and threw the bag to the ground as soon as it was emptied.

"You'll hang for this" Mr Collins spat throwing her to a brick wall where her head clapped against the brick with a mighty crack. Mrs Lovett whimpered from the blow and fell to her knee's running her hands over the back of her head to apply some gently pressure already feeling the blood soaking through her scalp.

"You and Mr Todd will both hang as soon as I get a chance to speak to the judge!" he yelled stomping towards her and yanking her up to her feet with her arm.

"Please" she whispered.

"Let me make it up to you" She continued to plead remembering what Sweeney had said to her last night. He wanted Mrs Lovett to distract Mr Collins somehow and that's what she would do. She could only hope that Sweeney was indeed around to help her out. All she had was a pistole tucked into her stockings and even the thought of using that made her very nervous.

"Up to me? how?" he practically growled in her face watching the baker gulp nervously under his intense eyes, eyes that seemed to trace her face so carefully.

"follow me...."


Edward called Nellie's name for the second time when he entered the pie shop after not hearing her answer him the first time. He closed the door behind him and looked around the abandoned shop unsure why it had been closed today or why she was no where to be seen.

Edward stood by the door removing his long beige coat from his shoulders and slinging it down on one of the booths. He called for her again as he stepped further into her parlour before seeing Toby scurrying in quickly "Edward!"

The man smiled kindly at the boy who seemed happy to see him. "Where's your mum?" he asked softly taking a seat at the counter and running his hand over the doughy surface of Eleanor Lovett's work top. He wished she would clean up after baking, he was sure it couldn't be healthy to work on a dirty work top.

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