Best liar in all of fleets street

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It was late into the evening, around midnight. One thing was on Sweeney Todd's mind. Alcohol.

He had been cooped up in his shop for the whole evening. Bored out of his mind alone and irritated. He used to like having peace and quite, no disturbances, no worry of having to socialise with anyone. But considering those things had changed when it came to Mrs Lovett he just felt miserable without her. He didn't like being alone anymore, the only company he enjoyed was the bakers and for that he didn't quite know what to do now she wasn't around.

He had paced around his shop thinking hard on how to apologise to Nellie. He knew deep down that his outburst earlier was his jealousy taking over, but what she needed to see was that he was feeling lonely. He missed her, even if it was just two days. In some ways falling in love with the baker was more maddening then trying to hunt down the judge. Without her felt lost and with that soppy thought in his mind Sweeney needed to get some alcohol in his system. Thinking like this wasn't like him and for that he needed a drink. A strong, large glass of gin.

Heading down to the pie shop Sweeney lifted up the door mat by the door to get the spare key. He unlocked the door and walked in. Lighting a few candles Sweeney headed over to Mrs Lovett's cupboard and pulled out the half empty bottle off gin. Pouring himself a generous amount he downed the first glass in a matter of seconds before topping up...

Thankfully everyone seemed to be asleep. That only made him drink more knowing Edward probably had his arms tightly wrapped around his Baker!

"Can't sleep either" a voice appeared behind him.

He turned to see Margo smirking at him. Dressed in her nightdress that was a little to revealing to the eye. He turned his attention back to his drink and downed another glass.

"Easy Mr Todd, can't have you with a swinging hangover tomorrow" she said walking round the counter to him and taking the glass from his hand. Her close presence was making him nervous.....

He felt like pushing her physically away from him for her cheek. He wanted to drink! And drink alone!

Looking into his dark eyes she smiled. He was so attractive, so beautifully dark and mysterious "would you like to talk?" She moved closer her fingertips reaching up to touch his chest that was a little exposed due to the fact he had started to unbutton his shirt a while ago. He clenched his jaw at her passes and moved away taking his glass from her hand and refilling it up with gin.

"I would like to be alone" his honest and warning statement had her smirking to herself. It was clear he was unhappy and she just wanted to find out why...

"Your storming off through dinner... that wasn't because you didn't like Mrs Lovett's cooking.." she continued to prod not seeing that her annoying questioning was getting him angry. Why didn't she leave him alone like he asked!

Moving back over to him she saw the uncomfortable look in his eye. She just assumed he didn't know how to act around women. Especially attractive ones like herself. "I could come up to your shop....we"

She got closer, so close that her hands were now resting against his warm chest. Her seductive tone and lustful gaze was making him anxious. She was meant to be mourning yet it seemed Edward was more affected by his fathers death then his own sister.

"I'll have to pass" he answer darkly moving again from her bottle in hand toward the door.

"Rein-check then Mr Todd" she added making him halt as he open the door again. He swallowed his anger and left without replying which only had her smiling again to herself as if she achieved something with all of this.


Helping to pack the picnic the next morning Margo couldn't help the smile that seemed to stain her face. Mrs Lovett had noticed this whilst chopping up some cheese and ham and wondered just why the girl seemed so quite. It was as if she was waiting for the right opportunity to ask her something. Nellie just didn't know what.

"So we have sandwiches, nibbles, drink and fruit from the there anything else we've forgotten?" Nellie broke the silence placing these said items into the wicker basket.

Margo posted slightly thinking if there was indeed anything else. "No I think that's it" she replied.

"Good, now if we round up the rest of the party we can get goin'" With that she closed the basket and set it down on one of the booths by the door. Margo still seemed in a little world of her own smiling away like a Chester Cat. Mrs Lovett was finding her happiness rather frustrating. Especially when she wasn't feel to great herself after last nights argument.

"What's made you so happy?" Nellie didn't really care, she just wanted her to get it out so she wouldn't be so giggly and smiley around her all the time. It was rather annoying.

"Oh nothing really, i was just thinking of Mr Todd..." she casually answer bitting her bottom lip when she finished and gleaming at Nellie almost excitedly. Mrs Lovett felt herself becoming more intrigued and almost defensive, just what did Margo mean exactly.

"Mista T? Why?" She tried to sound causal yet her eyes narrowed when Margo continued to bite at her bottom lip and play with her long blonde hair giggling like a love struck teenager. This alone had Mrs Lovett losing her patience!

"Isn't he dreamy Mrs Lovett, I can't stop thinking about him..." Margo gushed looking at the baker seeing her face turn into a frown. "Oh you must see how attractive he is, those dark eyes and that little temper of mysteriously beautiful" she continued to gush.

Feeling ever so surprised at Margo's new found love Nellie couldn't keep herself from saying something now. "He ain't all that alluring dear, besides he's too old for you" she stated not that Margo was really paying attention. She seemed far too cooped up in her thoughts of Sweeney to take any notice of Mrs Lovett.

"It's his manly voice Mrs Lovett and those eyes of his that look right into your soul so deep as if he's trying to work you out...just imagine what kind of lover he is..." she giggled so caught up in her thoughts of Sweeney that she didn't realise how unladylike she was being.

Nellie glared at her hard. The fact she was having those type of thought of her barber was really starting to make her see red. "Well he's taken" she told her directly not thinking of what she was saying.

"With who?" Margo gasped the shock apparent in her blue eyes.

Nellie froze. She had said to much "he's courtin' some woman down the road, there awful close" never had her quick thinking been so needed right now. Mrs Lovett was the perfect liar. She prided herself with her quick and easy response to everything, even if it wasn't the truth.

Margo frowned at this "how come we haven't seen her then, he hasn't said a word about any other woman"

Gulping Nellie continued to rack her brain. "He's a private man, don't speak of anything really...especially anything personal" again she was inwardly impressed with her quick thinking. Margo however still didn't seem that bothered and that's what irritated her more.

"Well Mrs Lovett, if Mr Todd is just courting...doesn't me he's a married man" Margo gleamed making Nellies blood boil. This little tramp was after Sweeney! She knew it all along!

"The woman he's courting is not one to be messin' with dear, I know as she's a friend of mine and believe me ya don't want to get on the wrong side of her" her warning came with hidden threat. If she had to she would murder this bloody woman if she tried it on with Sweeney.

Walking around the counter unfazed by what Mrs Lovett just said, Margo headed towards the living room "Well that's a challenge I'll just have to take" with that she left the room leaving Nellie practically steaming.

A/N: Now it's the baker getting all worked up! The tables have turned it would seem! Really hope you liked the update please tell me your thoughts my loves! ❤️

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