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"Okay okay stop" Nellie winced breathlessly dropping the dead man's feet to the floor in agony. Her back was officially at breaking point. Both her and Mr Todd had carried this body for a good while now and it only seemed right to have a little break. Mr Todd however only narrowed his eyes on the baker as she rested her body against the brick wall and welcomed the rain water on her face, closing her eyes and tilting her head upwards.

Sighing Sweeney dropped the body himself and watched the man's head crack harshly against the cobbled ground.

"So bloody cold" Mrs Lovett complained eyes still shut tightly as she wrapped the soaking trench coat around her practically naked form. She shivered violently from the bitter wind let alone the rain. Coming out in the dead of night in just her underwear had not been a smart idea.

Sweeney stood motionless just staring at the baker before turning his dark gaze to the even darker London streets. He hoped no one had seen them. He was sure he had heard rushed footsteps splashing about the puddles but had only shaken it off not really worrying.

"Okay" Mrs Lovett Repeated opening her eyes and looking at the barber. "Let's get a move on" she huffed directing her eyes back to the body and bending down with a pained expression as she clasped her dainty hands around the man's ankles. Sweeney didn't say a word and instead walked back round and securely placed his hands under the man's arms to hike him up in one.

They continued making their way back to the pie shop. The pair of them looked a little worse for wear now as they finally reached the shop door. Mrs Lovett couldn't help but think of what she had missed out on tonight for this, carrying this fat lump just to yet again cover up Sweeney's tracks. Placing the body down just below Sweeney's stairs Mrs Lovett let out a low groan and stretched her arms above her head. "Jesus christ, next time ya feel the need to slaughter someone dear make sure it's in our own establishment..."

Sweeney smirked at this as he met her eyes. "I promise" he spoke making her eye's glint at him with evil intention as she too allowed a small smirk to play about her lips. Why was she so bloody attracted to him when he made such statements about murder. It was like he was exciting every nerve ending in her whole being just being so sinister....

"Need to go check on Edward" she said hand clasping round the door knob to her shop.

"No!" Sweeney growled.

"But. I..." Mrs Lovett glanced at him in annoyance. "You can manage from now on"

Sweeney looked at her blinking back the rain from his eyes before smirking "You may as well help me finish him off, you've come this far Mrs Lovett"

His words had her eyes narrowing on him questionably. Just why was he stopping her from going back to her room? what was he up to here...

Breaking their gaze she sighed "fine"

"Thank you..."


Lumping the body onto Mr Todd's barber chair had literally knocked the wind out of her. Mrs Lovett was panting breathlessly now that finally they had the body stored safely on their grounds. She was thankful now that it was over and she could retire back to the warmth of her bed...and Edward for that matter. She watched Sweeney straighten the body on the chair before pressing his foot down on the lever, watching it fall to the bakehouse ground with a satisfying crack.

As the chair slowly rose back up Sweeney glanced over at Mrs Lovett seeing the tiredness in her eyes now. "Need a drink?" he asked in monotone making her look at him with one tired nod.

She watched through curious eyes as Mr Todd headed over to his truck by the door and lifted a bottle of gin. Her eyes hardened knowing he properly stole from her, yet she didn't have the energy to pick a fight over this....now! He collected two small glasses from his work area and poured a generous amount in both glasses before screwing the lid back on and turning with the two glasses in hand.

Walking over to a shivering Mrs Lovett he handed her the glass and smirked when she only thanked him again with a quirt nod. She knew this bastard had nicked her gin and no she wasn't happy about it.

"I'll get rid of the body tomorrow morning" she stated drinking large gulps from the glass. "I have to tell ya though Mista T, today ya killed double what ya normally do...somthin' on ya mind?" she asked wanting to know why exactly he was punishing her with extra work. I mean he must know that she gets left with his dirty work at the end of the day. She gathered that's why she was so tired now.

"I had a bad day" he grumbled lowly sipping at his drink in front of her. Truth be told, Mrs Lovett seemed to be playing on his mind throughout most of today. Her and her sleazy layer....

"Well next time dear, it wouldn't hurt to think about me too when ya ave' ya off days....I ave' to clean up after ya remember" she didn't seem angry nor did she seem upset, but he could see she was tired after today's work load and for the first time he did feel a little pinch of guilt in his gut.

"I'm sorry..." his pupils widened slightly realising he just apologised to her. It came out like word vomit, Mrs Lovett too was taken back hearing this and she couldn't even bring herself to hide the small smile that formed on her lips. "It's ok love"

Their eyes met for a brief moment in an awkward exchange and only then did Mrs Lovett really visibly shiver in front of him now that his dark eyes were boring into hers. Something about him made her excited and scared all at once. She had always felt that way about him from the moment she met him. Sweeney Todd not only messed with her head, but her heart and whole entire being. He was like a strange kind of magnet she just could keep herself away from, he was taunting her thoughts and he didn't even know it. Or maybe he did, she didn't know....

"Take off your coat" he instructed lowly moving away from her and over to his bedroom. 

She gulped nervously but nonetheless did as she was told and slowly peeled the damp coat away from her cold arms. She felt vulnerable again considering she was yet again just wearing her corset and bloomers. Her thin rob she had worn now clung to her and therefore didn't cover as much as it had done before. She ran her arms around her herself waiting for Sweeney to come back or hoping that he would and he didn't have other intentions.

"Here, put this on" he finally came out of the room carrying a thicker coat of his that he never really wore. She couldn't help her heart fluttering at his kind gesture but yet she could also see him clearly ogling at her as he passed over the coat. Placing the coat around herself she looked back to his eyes that were a little lower on her then she had anticipated.

"Me eye's are up ere' Mista T..." she smirked.

"And they are just as lovely my pet" he humorously added making her giggle a little and not only that but visibly blush. What had gotten into him? He was making jokes now? she couldn't help the way she bit her lip now as she looked into his daring and almost lustful eyes. Mrs Lovett could feel the adrenaline rushing through her veins, he was a man after all, he had his needs too.  And never had those wanting eyes ever laid on her before.  

"Best get some rest love" she broke the silence their eyes watching one another closely to see if maybe there may be some sudden move made by either of them. Sweeney couldn't help the desire he felt bubbling away in the pit of his stomach. The woman was a sin! a huge sin that he wanted so badly take.

"Goodnight Mista T..." she whispered eyes still watching to see if he may try stop her from leaving. However he just gulped awkwardly and gave a small nod towards her. Finally walking towards the door Mrs Lovett hesitated for a moment before opening the door and walking back into the rain. She had to admit she did feel slightly disappointment. 

She could only wonder if she had stayed a little while longer that he may have kissed her. She hadn't seen such a look of want in his eyes and she somehow wished she hadn't. She loved Edward and now her feelings for her barber were being resurrected. No! she wouldn't allow herself to fall again, no razor against her neck would cause the amount of pain she felt having to push her feelings for Sweeney away. She needed to be strong, she needed to focus on her and Edward. 

A/N: Hope you liked this chapter please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts! thanks so much to everyone reading this and showing me the love it is receiving! means a lot! thank you!! 

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