He knows...

816 37 76

"May I cut in?..."

The pair of them turned to see just who it was breaking their intense moment surrounded by the dancing couples here in Mrs Lovett's parlour. It was a stranger, some man that seemed unfamiliar to both Mrs Lovett and Mr Todd as they looked at him in wonder as to why he would randomly want to dance with the baker. Who was he exactly?

He was a taller gentleman, looked as if he was in his late 40s but had grey hair slicked back making him look rather dapper and almost wealthy. Not only that but his cheeks looked to also been freshly shaven and for that Mrs Lovett was sure he must be of some importance. His clothes were simple but still very fitting, dressed in some dark trousers accompanied by a waistcoat and matching tie. Not only that the man seemed to possess a silver pocket watch handing from his right pocket that caught Mrs Lovett's eye with a flicker. Just by looking at him they could tell he was definitely a wealthy man.

"What do you want?" Sweeney finally broke the silence his deep masculine voice almost sounding protective to the bakers ears. The music was still playing quite loud and the guests were still having a hearty time dancing around the three of them that were now just stood in the middle of the parlour. Mrs Lovett eyed the man cautiously unsure of whether she wanted Sweeney to leave her right now with him.

"I would like to dance with Mrs Lovett sir, I think it's only fair we get to share the women we dance with..." the strangers voice was very prim and proper but had a hint of threat towards it as well that made her anxious.

Sweeney narrowed his eyes on him angered by his use of words, talking as Mrs Lovett was just a piece of meat. Why he felt all protective of her all of a sudden he would never know. "Well I was dancing with her, you'll have to wait sir" Sweeney told him whilst snaking his arm around her petite waist as if telling her he wasn't going to budge for any other man.

"Mr Lovett I think you'll find what I have to tell you can NOT wait"

Her eyes widened very slightly in surprise. She frowned at him seeing in his face he had something she may want to hear and for that he held her curiosity. "Can't it wait?" Sweeney butted in his grip on the baker tightening making her almost want to wince.

"Mista T just give me a moment with...." Nellie looked toward the man who smiled in response

"Mr Collins" he replied watching her carefully.

Sweeney glared at him warningly before turning to Mrs Lovett "I'll be in my shop" his eyes spoke to her as if telling her that he would be waiting, and for that her cheeks flushed with anticipation of what might come of this evening...

"Very well" she smirked at him knowingly. As soon as he dropped his arm from around her he leant closer to her ear "Make sure you're discrete" he whispered just for her ears alone making her smile at him so dangerously it took everything for her not to kiss him.

Walking away finally Mr Collins watched the barber exit the party and finally turned to the baker. "Shall we?" he offered her his hand to which she hesitantly took. Mr Collins wrapped his arm around her as he lulled her into a soft swaying motion on the dance floor much to her discomfort. She wasn't used to men holding her in such a way especially a stranger who even now seemed to unsettle her slightly. "I'm surprised just how small you are Mrs Lovett, for a petite woman you're awfully strong..." he murmured by her ear.

She flinched slightly and narrowed her eyes on him "I beg ya pardon?"

Mr Collins smirked darkly at her reaction holding her eye line for a while before dipping his lips back to her ear as they swayed together. "Strong enough to carry the weight of a dead mans body" Her eyes widened suddenly and she froze in his hold her eyes gleaming with worry and confusion as he pulled back to look at her stunned face.

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