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Stepping out from the shadows Sweeney Todd saw the fright in Mrs Lovett face as she looked at Mr Collins dead body. He could see the way she shook and how her chest heaved with every rapid breath she took. He stepped closer towards her making her eyes flick from the body back to him in an instant.

"Give me the gun" he whispered, carefully extending his hand to retrieve the pistole from her shaky grasp. She was too stunned to even notice how concerned the barber seemed to be looking at her, nor did she realise that he had already taken the gun from her.

She watched in utter silence as he bent down to the dead man's body and placed the gun in Mr Collins hand. "This way it will look like suicide" Sweeney stated calmly and quietly deciding not to look at the baker just yet and instead set the scene by folding Mr Collins finger around the trigger instead.

Nellie let out a shaky breath allowing herself to breath a little now and finally come to her sense again. As soon she saw Sweeney stand up and face her she felt nothing but anger toward him. "Just where the bleedin' ell were ya!" she hissed at him her eyes flashing in rage and her hands flying to her hips as she looked at him dead in the eye.

"I was just two steps behind you"

Scoffing at this Nellie pushed past him and walked out from the darkness of the small alleyway. She winced feeling the throbbing pain at the back of her head and gently placed her fingertip against the cut. Her fingers were sticky with blood, she gulped realising it must have looked as if she too had been shot in the head. "Jesus" she muttered before feeling the presence of the barber standing close behind her.

Turning round she narrowed her eyes on his annoyingly handsome face looking right at her "The fact you let it get as far as it did Sweeney reveals a lot about you" she said about to turn when instead he grabbed her arm and pulled her back harshly his teeth gritting in anger. His dark eyes bored into hers and she tried to pretend that those dark orbs of his weren't making her heart leap in excitement.

"You think I liked seeing him throw you against the wall? I had to wait until you were both out of sight Mrs Lovett, I was just about to jab my razor in his neck but you beat me to it" He explained his hand around her arm tightening making her hiss through her teeth at him in pain. "Believe me I was close to ending him as soon as he grabbed your wrist"

"Then why the 'ell didn't ya" Mrs Lovett growled her brown eyes angered by the very nearness of him.

"Because I was conscious we may get caught again..." he answered truthfully. As much as he wanted to slit Mr Collins throat Sweeney had to hold back knowing that there was the odd passing person along the street. It was too risky to be caught again by another on looker, he knew Mrs Lovett could handle Mr Collins and right he was too.

Yanking her arm free she huffed in irritation before setting off quickly down the street. She could sense Sweeney following her and she could only roll her eyes. It was typical when she wanted him he was no where to be seen and when she didn't want him around he never left. "Look Mr Todd if you plan on followin' me all the way home forget it, I'm perfectly capable of lookin' after me'self you've made that all too clear" She said as she marched down the street.

As soon as she said this however she felt his hand yet again grip at her arm wrenching her round to face him with force leaving her to gasp. His eyes were angry and his grip even more so as he stared into her face. "I came out here this evening to watch over you Mrs Lovett, like i stop acting like a brat otherwise you'll find there is no one to look after you" he warned.

She smirked at this and narrowed her eyes. "I don't need any man to look after me Mr Todd....even if I wanted one I 'ave Edward at home who can protect me from anyone even the likes of you!"

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