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[ mike's pov ]

after what felt like forever, i finally rode my bike into will's driveway.

will got off and so did i. "thank's mike," he smiled at me. his cheeks were dusted pink, probably from the cold wind while we were riding here.

"hey it's no sweat man," i said while lightly punching his shoulder. he laughed and then we started walking into his house.

jonathan was already home. "hey kiddos," he smiled at us while i waved and will replied back.

"i thought you were going to mike's?" jonathan asked as he got a drink out of the fridge.

"i uh, mike offered to give me a ride back here," will said looking nervously at his brother, hoping he wouldn't get mad. jonathan doesn't really have a problem with me not that i know of though.

"wait, so you walked to school this morning?" jonathan asked, but by will's expression he already knew the answer.

jonathan sighed, "why didn't you just use the school's phone to call me? the office would've told me and i could've given you a ride after school," he said as he ruffled will's hair.

will giggled and then looked back at jonathan, "so you're not mad?" his brother smiled, "not really, just be careful okay?" he smiled. jonathan then looked at me. "thanks for giving will a ride, wheeler," he smiled at me. "no problem," i smiled back.


"mike you can go home if you want," will told me as we walked into his room. i raised my eyebrow at him, "but i thought you wanted to hangout?" "no, i do! it's just, you don't have to if you don't want to," he said not making eye contact with me.

i'm always so worried about him. "will." i said, gently putting my hand on his shoulder. "what?" he questioned. "are you okay?" i said, my voice filled with concern.

[will's pov]

"are you okay?" it's like those words always echo throughout my head. "yea, i'm fine," i said shaking my head, forcing a smile.

mike frowned at me and sat on my bed, motioning me to sit next to him. "you're not okay will. i know you're not. please just talk to me," he said and i could hear concern dripping from every word.

"you wouldn't understand," i said sternly, looking down. "but i can try my best to," he said slightly smiling. "look, i'm so glad that you're always happy, mike. really. i'm not trying to burden you with my problems," i said looking at him this time.

"will... you're not burdening me though. i genuinely care about you. why do you think i always ask how you're doing?" he said, slightly getting defensive.

i sighed, "can we not turn this into a fight please. i don't need someone getting defensive about this. i just need someone to listen." mike sighed, "sorry, i just- go ahead will," he said putting his hand on my shoulder again.

i was so anxious. i don't want to tell mike everything that i feel or what's going on with me. i know i need to though.

i sighed, here goes nothing.

"i just-..i don't-..i'm sorry," i said, already wanting to cry. "hey hey, it's okay. you know i'm always going to be here for you, will. i'll always listen to you, i care about you," mike frowned and rubbed my back.

"promise?" i said carefully, not wanting to break in front of him.

"promise," he smiled and extended his pinky out, i did the same. we interlocked our fingers.

and for once, i felt okay.

— —

hey !!! i hope you enjoyed this chapter
i know things are kind of starting slow, but just stick with me

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