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song; true love will find u in the end- Atomic Sans

[will's pov]

it's been a few days since i've talked to mike. of course it hurts like hell to ignore him, but i have to. if i don't, i'll just keep getting hurt. he has tried talking to me, but i only respond with short answers or tell him that i have to go. at lunch it's worse because i see him staring at me a lot. i've been sitting somewhere else for lunch and sometimes the other guys sit with me, but not much.

i still always see jane over there with them. and it sucks. mike looks so happy when he's with her, i'm glad he's found someone who can do something for him that i can't. i now sit away from mike in classes that i have with him. i feel him always looking at me. he probably hates me.


[ mike's pov ]

i'm not sure what was going on with will, he never tells me anything anymore. he doesn't even talk to me. and trust me, i try to talk to him but he always seems in a rush to get away from me.

what did i do?

i care about will, and seeing him just ignore me, angers me..a lot. what the fuck was his problem? i try to talk to him. i try to see if he's doing okay, and he just walks away from me. he doesn't even sit next to me in class anymore. he sits by himself at lunch. i miss him. one day we were completely fine, then the next day it just feels like he disappeared.

jane sits with us at lunch now everyday. she makes me truly happy and she's so gorgeous. her smile is so pretty, her laugh is like a song, and her presence reminds me of someone who can just make you feel better when you're having a bad day. will..that's who her presence reminds me of. will was always that person who could make you feel better, just by being there. he won't even let me say anything to him, though.

he'll come back in the end, right?


[will's pov]

it's been a month now. a month since i've talked to my best friend, who i wish was more than just a friend. he doesn't seem to care though, he's always with jane. it seems like the other guys stopped talking to me too. i've been replaced. i've been forgotten, when i was promised i wouldn't be. he broke his promise. god damnit, will! when will you learn you can't trust people? i can't even trust the person who i've known since i was so young.

-after school-

i saw mike and jane kiss today. remember when i said i felt heartbroken because of what mike said awhile ago? well, this is so much worse. i cannot explain this feeling. i love mike so much, and i felt like dying seeing them kiss.

here i am running out of the school, and into the woods so i can get to castle byers. i heard mike yelling my name. he must've saw me. i cried as i was running. could he even possibly care? as i was wiping away my tears with my sleeve, i didn't see the big log in front of me. i tripped over it and scratched my arm on a rock on my way down.

"fuck, fuck, fuck!" i cursed as i hit the ground as so many tears were streaming down my face. "will! wi-" mike stopped running once he saw me. "get away," i said through gritted teeth. mike looked so..sad. "will, i-" i cut him off. "you left me!" i yelled, the anger that i've been bottling in for so many weeks finally exploded. mike stepped back, surprised from my yelling. "you broke your promise!" i said as the tears just wouldn't stop.

"will.." mike said as he knelt in front of me. "you promised! you promised..you promised," i yelled, then started to say it quieter because i was crying so much. he could barely understand me because of my sobs. "please li-" "no! you forgot about me! you replaced me mike. do you know how hard it was seeing all of you so happy when you wouldn't even acknowledge my existence," i questioned, finally looking up at him.

he studied every feature on my face before engulfing me in a hug. "i'm so sorry will. i never forgot about you. it's just i couldn't talk to you if you wouldn't even give me your time. i finally gave up because i thought that was it. i thought you just hated me," he said as his head was in the crook of my neck.

i wrapped my arms around him. "you should've tried harder, mike. you shouldn't have given up on..us. and i'm so sorry. maybe someday i'll explain what happened," i sighed. he let go and looked at me. "i'm here whenever you wanna talk about it." i nodded, but that feeling kept coming back; heartbreak. "i just-" jesus i felt like dying. "i just felt so alone, mike," i cried. he held me again, "will, it's okay. i'm here now. i'm back and i'm not leaving," he said as he rubbed my back.

he looked down at my arm, "let's go get you cleaned up, yeah?" i nodded and he helped me up and took my hand. i missed him. we walked out of the woods together. "let's go to my house," he said as he looked down at me and gave a slight smile. i nodded and returned the same smile.

we walked down the street and i knew i had to tell him sooner or later.

-- --

heyyy guys. this chapter sucks and i kind of hate it oops. anyways, i've been having writer's block lately, so i'm sorry ! i hope you enjoyed though

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