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song;  aimless- johnny goth

( don't play until i tell you to )

[ mike's pov]

will said he had to talk to me about something important. that makes me nervous. i hope it's nothing bad. while waiting for the guys earlier, we did kind of have a "moment" i guess. it makes me smile a bit while thinking about it. we were about to hold hands before dustin and lucas ran out of the school. for some reason, a part of me wishes that dustin and lucas didn't run out of the school when they did. if i had more time, i could've wrapped my fingers around will's. jesus, what am i saying. i can't be thinking this, i have a girlfriend. 

i looked over at will while we all were walking to my place. my hands that were in my pockets were aching to be holding his hands. he was so much shorter compared to me, it was kind of cute actually. i need to try and stop whatever it is i'm feeling for him. i can't do that to jane. she would be devastated to find out that i even have some kind of feelings towards him. then again, if i truly liked jane, why would i even have to worry about falling for someone else? 

[will's pov]

the walk to mike's house was silent other than dustin saying something dumb and lucas arguing with him occasionally. mike and i didn't say anything to each other the rest of the way. the silence wasn't bad though, it was almost comforting. the thought of telling mike soon made my heart drop. that anxious feeling was finding a way to seep back in my body. how would he react? oh god, would he still even want to be my friend? would he hate me? 

my thoughts stopped as i felt cold wind fly through the air. winter was on its way, it was just a matter of time before it started to get really cold. i shivered considering i was only wearing a light jacket. mike looked over at me quickly before taking off his backpack and taking off his heavier jacket to reveal a thinner one underneath. "mike, i-" i started but he cut me off. "no, it's okay. my mom forced me to wear this one, so just take it." he smiled. "i- thank you," i stuttered and he nodded. i put on his jacket and it not only made me warm instantly, but it also made my heart warm.


we were now at mike's house and nancy walked downstairs as we were all taking off our shoes. she looked at me a little surprised then slightly smiled, "oh, will..you're wearing mike's jacket," she pointed out. i looked at her than looked down at the jacket. "o-oh! uh, y-yea. i got-" i was flustered and mike finished my sentence for me. "he got cold and he didn't have a jacket so i let him borrow mine," he said quickly. nancy smiled and nodded. the guys were already on their way downstairs as i was taking off mike's jacket. i hung it up and tried to catch up with them until nancy pulled me aside.  

(play song here)

"will, you know you shouldn't hide anything from me," she said sternly. i looked up at her surprised, "what? i'm not!" she laughed, "oh c'mon. i see the way you and my brother look at each other. just spill the beans already." "there's nothing to spill," i replied. "wait, you mean you guys aren't together?" she questioned. i shook my head. "that's stupid. he always talks about you and just the way he talks about you, you can tell that there's something there. i feel it," she said. i had a hard time gathering my thoughts. "so, do you feel anything for him?" she asked all excited. "i uh, maybe?" i replied as i scratched the back of  my neck. "oh c'mon. just say it," she said as she hit my arm playfully. i sighed, knowing i won't be able to get out of this one. "yeah, i do. it would never happen though. he has a girlfriend," i said while looking down. "what!?" she exclaimed, "he didn't even tell me. i'm sorry will. i know it must be hard but you never know, you may be the one he really loves in the end." she said as she was starting to walk away. "also, i've maybe kind of shipped you guys together since day one," she smiled as she left. shipped? what does that even mean? and as if mike would ever love me in the end.

i walked downstairs to be greeted by the boys playing some random board game. "what was taking you so long?" dustin asked. "mind your own business," i said before sitting on the couch. "jeesh, someone's cranky," he said while turning around and going back to the game. i didn't even mean to be rude, there's just so many thoughts spinning in my head right now and i'm having a hard time gathering them. "sorry, i didn't mean to be rude," i apologized. "it's whatever," he shrugged. i rolled my eyes. "i gotta go to the bathroom," mike said as he got up and left. we all nodded and he went to the bathroom in the basement. dustin quickly turned to me. "care to explain?" he whispered. "sorry, i'm just thinking about a lot. nancy was talking to me, that's why it took me awhile," i said quietly. "what'd she say?" lucas asked. "she was talking to me about mike.. about both of us," i said, not wanting mike to hear. "like?" dustin gestured for me to go on. i sighed, "i guess she always thought we had something? she liked the thought of us together." dustin and lucas smiled. "look, it's not th-" i was cut off. "when mike comes back, you better tell him. lucas and i will go upstairs to get food or whatever and then we'll come back down in like 5 minutes, so you better tell him," dustin said sternly. "i uh, sure," i nodded. mike came out of the bathroom soon after. "what'd i miss?" he asked as he sat next to me. "not much," lucas said. 

-10 minutes later-

lucas and dustin stood up quickly. "we're gonna go upstairs to get snacks," dustin said quickly as they both went up the steps. mike laughed and looked at me. "they're in a hurry," he smiled. "heh yeah.. i guess," i chuckled nervously. it's now or never will. just do it. "so uh, i need to tell you something," i said while looking down. "you can tell me anything," he smiled as he playfully elbowed me. "i just don't want you to hate me," i looked up at him. concern filled his face, "will, i could never hate you," he said as he took my hands in his own. that was only making it harder for me to tell him. 

[ mike's pov ]

i grabbed will's hands and i swear i almost felt complete. his hands felt nice in mine. i know it's cliche and i shouldn't be saying that, but it's the truth. i waited for him to speak. "it's just..well..i used to have feelings for you, mike. i've been trying to get over them ever since you met jane. i know it may weird you out that i had those feelings for you and i'm sorry. i just couldn't hold it in anymore. also, i would never try to ruin your relationship over this. please tell jane that and tell her that i'm sorry. i hope this doesn't ruin anything," he said as he was trying not to cry. my heart tingled as he said he used to have feelings for me. could he possibly even still have those same feelings for me? "will.." i said as i pulled him into a hug. "thank you for telling me. i'm proud of you that you were brave enough to even let me know. this doesn't ruin anything at all," i smiled as we both pulled away. "it doesn't?" he questioned. "hell no! of course not," i exclaimed and he laughed.

it was at 4:00 pm, in my basement while will was laughing, the crinkles by his eyes appearing when he smiles, the way his cheeks were dusted with a shade of pink, that i realized i was falling in love with will byers.

and i couldn't help it.

-- --

hey!!! i hope you enjoyed this update and i'm afraid to say that this book is coming to an end soon. ahh, i enjoyed writing it and i hope you enjoyed reading it. 

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