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[will's pov]

lunch went by okay, aside from the fact that mike didn't pay much attention to me. i know i sound so selfish, but i can't help what i feel for him. how can you expect me not to like him? he's so kind and caring. he's funny and very cute. i'm lucky to even have him as one of my best friends, yet i can't help but wish we were more.

he doesn't wish for the same though.


i hopped on my bike, heading home with all of them. "hey, just to remind you guys, my mom said that you guys can stay tonight," mike said not looking at us as we were all riding down this small hill. i don't know if i felt like playing D&D today.

"i don't think i can go tonight guys," i said as we were getting closer to where i usually split from the group. "aw c'mon, why not?" dustin complained. i tried thinking of an excuse. "my brother said he had a new mix tape he wanted me to listen to," i said. it's technically not a lie considering jonathan actually did have some songs he wanted to show me. "can you come over later then?" mike questioned, not wanting me to say no.

we slowed down and stopped at the turn where i usually split from the group to go to my house. "i mean, i guess?" i said, not wanting to make mike upset. he nodded, "okay well you know my number, just call when you're getting ready to come over," he said as dustin and lucas were starting to slowly ride away. i was getting ready to ride down the little road.

"hey will?" i stopped and looked at mike. "yea?" i questioned, confused as to what he wanted to tell me. "you know you can tell me anything," he said seriously. i was confused, until i realized what he was talking about. i nodded, "right," i turned back around. "i promise," was the only thing he said before i got back on my bike and started to ride towards my house.


i finally set my bike near the steps and starting to go inside my house. jonathan was sitting on the couch. "hey kid," he said as he got up and ruffled my hair. "hey," i smiled. "ready for those new songs that i wanna show you?" he smiled. i nodded and we went into my room. i turned on the radio i had in my room and opened the little space where you put in the cassette tape. "you'll love these," he said holding up the mix tape before putting it into the radio. he closed it and pushed a button, a song started playing.

after a few songs, one in particular came on that i really enjoyed. "this one's called Should I Stay or Should I Go?" he said, knowing i would want to know the name of it. "this might be my favorite out of all of them," i said while rocking my head to the beat. i stopped smiling, thinking about mike. i guess jonathan seemed to notice, "hey, what's wrong?" he said turning down the music slightly.

i didn't realize that i zoned out, "oh uh..." i said trying to make up an excuse. jonathan frowned, "you can talk to me will," he said putting his hand on my shoulder. i sighed, knowing i should tell him. "well, if i did i feel like you would hate me," i said putting my head down. jonathan lightly chuckled, "hate you? i could never hate you, loser. you're my best friend, will." i looked up at him nervously, "promise?" he looked slightly worried, "promise."

"it's just, people always make fun of me for what i like," i said trying to beat around the bush. jonathan furrowed his eyebrows, "who?" "ya know, the usual. troy and his stupid friends," i said sighing. "well you know what? i think it's awesome that you like things that only
you like. you shouldn't have to like things just because people tell you you're supposed to, especially them," he said sending me a light smile. i gave one in return, "you think?" "yea! i think it's awesome that you're your own person will. never change that," he said seriously. i nodded, "thanks."

"so is there anything else you wanted to tell me?" he said. this is it. "okay well...i um...i may like someone..." i said messing with my fingers. "you think i'll hate you over t-" i cut him off, "who's a boy," i said quickly, "i may like someone who's a boy," i said in shame, waiting for him to yell at me. i only felt warmth engulf me as i felt jonathan hug me. "i'm so proud of you," he said, i could tell he wanted to cry..?

"so does that mean..." he trailed off. "mean i'm gay? i guess so," i said. i'm gay, that only hit me until i actually said it.  he smiled, "you thought i was going to hate you over that?" "i mean, it's not normally accepted and-" he cut me off, "exactly! the fact that you were able to tell me just shows how brave and strong you are will," he said messing up my hair again. "what about mom?" i said nervously. "i already know," i heard a voice come from behind us. she smiled at me and hugged me. she took my face in her hands, "i'm so proud of you hunny," she looks like she's about to cry too.


after talking about it for awhile, jonathan looked over at me, "so....then who do you like?" "huh?" "remember? you said you like some guy?" "ohhhh, yea i remember now," i said suddenly becoming nervous again. "so, who?" he said waiting for me to answer. "mike," i mumbled. "what?" he said like he couldn't hear me. "mike," i said a little louder. "AWWW THAT'S SO PRECIOUS," my mother squealed as she enveloped me in a hug. "agh mom get off of me," i said like she was suffocating me. "i always thought you two had a thing," jonathan said. i blushed at the thought, "really?" "well yea!" he smiled.

"why aren't you over there now?" my mom questioned. i explained everything about jane and mike and how i really didn't feel like hearing him talk about her some more. jonathan got up, put on his jacket then threw me mine. "what?" i said confused. "i'm taking you to mike's so that you all can have fun, and so that you'll stop moping about him. i got up, "um i don't th-" he cut me off, "no, c'mon will," he said, forcing me to put on my jacket.

"i'll call the wheelers and let them know you're coming," my mom said and smiled. i sighed as i quickly packed a bag with clothes. my mom hugged me, "don't let some girl get to you okay?" she whispered in my ear. "i'll try," i nodded and headed out the door with jonathan. we got into his car and started driving to mike's house.


the cold air hit me as i got out of jonathan's car. he rolled down the window so i could hear him, "remember to just call me when you're ready to come home." i gave him a thumbs up then he started to drive away. i turned back around. i could already feel my face becoming red, but not just from the cold.

[ mike's pov ]

"mike! someone's at the door, probably will!" i heard my mom yell at me. "coming!" i yelled back. "one sec," i said to lucas and dustin before running up the stairs. i opened the front door to be greeted with a red faced will. "hey," i smiled at him gently. "hi," he smiled back. i realized he had a piece of hair stuck to his cheek, so i lightly brushed it away. his face became even more red. he's so beautiful, wait what? "what?" will said, eyes wide. it was my turn to blush. "what?" i said oblivious. i didn't know i said that out loud. "n-nothing," will said while shaking his head. "c-come in," i lightly chuckled. will laughed too.

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