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song; i'm tired of feeling this way- elijah who

[ mike's pov ]

i'm not sure what will's problem was, but he didn't seem sick like he said he was. he just woke up too, so what could i have possibly done wrong? dustin and lucas were annoying me this morning. i guess i fell asleep with will's head in my lap and my fingers in his hair. dustin woke me up and asked me what happened. he kept saying that i liked will, and wouldn't stop.

i don't even know if i feel that way towards will yet. sure i love him, but nothing more than a best friend. he will always be just a friend to me. i can't love him. he can't love me. simple. we would be judged all around hawkins anyways, so why be together when we'll both get hurt? i like jane, and nothing can change that. not even will byers himself.


"mike, i just don't get it," i heard dustin say. i sighed, knowing he wouldn't drop the subject unless i tell him the truth. "look dustin, i can't like will like that-" he cut me off, "and why not?!" i'm not sure as to why he was getting defensive. "because i'm so confused about my own feelings! i really like jane, but yet i feel my face get red whenever i brush my hand against will's. i get nervous because i don't want to mess anything up. i sometimes stare at him a little longer than what i should and i can't help it!" i said tugging on my hair.

a huge grin broke out on dustin's face. "what," i rolled my eyes. "that, mike wheeler, is called love," he smiled. my eyes widened. i can't love will. i can't. i like jane. i can't like boys and girls. is that even possible? "yes it is possible," lucas said. i didn't mean to say that out loud. "yep, it's called bisexual. it's where you like both genders," dustin said and lucas nodded. i huffed, "but..i can't like will. he's my best friend."

lucas and dustin looked at each other before shaking their heads. "mike, it's okay. i suggest you start to figure out more about yourself before you even try to get into any relationship, otherwise you'll just be confused," lucas said while putting his hand on my shoulder. dustin agreed. i nodded my head, "but that doesn't change my feelings about jane." dustin looked annoyed, "i don't know what you see in her, mike." "what? she's great, she's beautiful, she's funny, and super nice to me. i don't understand how you couldn't like her," i said as i crossed my arms. he got up, "maybe because you're too blind to see that there's someone out there you who loves you and is so much better for you," he said, almost raising his voice.

"you wouldn't even know what's better for me, so don't act like you do," i said getting up and standing in front of him. "actually, yea i do mike. i do because while you're with jane, he comes to me and cries about how much he wishes that was him, not her. and you just met her mike! you know nothing about her. come talk to me when you're not acting fucking stupid," he said before grabbing his things and walking up the stairs.

i was about to run after him until i got pulled back. "just let him go," lucas said. i sighed, why was he acting like that? and who is this "he" he was talking about? so some guy likes me? who could it even be. "i wonder who he was talking about," i said as i furrowed my eyebrows. "maybe you should try to find out," lucas said as he started to get up. "okay well, you guys keep acting like you know something i don't. so please, enlighten me," i said pulling him back down.

he shook his head, "no can do my friend." i sighed, "what the hell." lucas chuckled, "you'll find out sooner or later, trust me." i only looked at him, confused. "look, i gotta go because my mom's coming soon. see ya dude," lucas said as he grabbed his things and went upstairs.

i sighed, my mind was such a jumbled mess but i only had one person on my mind still.



[will's pov]

i was home now and jonathan looked confused. he got up from the couch and walked over to me, "why didn't you call me?" "is it possible to like boys and girls?" i said while avoiding his question. he looked surprised, "yes... why?" i shrugged my shoulders, "i don't know, i think mike might be like that." jonathan smiled, "yea.. it's called bisexual." i nodded, signaling i understood. "you um...hungry or anything?" he asked. i felt like he knew something was off. i shook my head, "no, i'm gonna go in my room." he nodded and watched me as i walked down the hallway.

as i walked into my room, i sat on my bed and everything came out again. why am i being such a baby? i need to stop and just move on, which feels impossible. maybe if i ignore mike, my feelings will go away. that may only hurt him and hurt me more, but i can't like him. it's so pointless and i just keep getting hurt.

i'm sorry mike, just please don't forget about me.

-- --

this feels like such a filler chapter, sorry! i didn't really know what else to write about? this sucks omg. anyways, hope you enjoyed!

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