The Murder

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(Your POV) 

You and your partner, Jack, just arrived at Mark's manor. You both admired the lights and glorification of the place. As the two of you made your way to the stairs, you both saw a man already heading towards the door. 

"Oh, bully!" he exclaimed. "And here I thought I was gonna be the last guest to arrive. My friends call me the Colonel. You're both welcome to do the same, should it please you. Or you may call me William. Whichever you two prefer. But, uh... after you." 

He gestured you both to the door, where a curly haired butler opened it for you. 

"Ah, bonjour, Miss (y/n) and Detective Sean. Welcome to Markiplier manor. Your invitation, please." 

You rummaged through your purse and pulled out the poker night invitation, then gave it to him. Jack got his out of his coat pocket.

"Very good, very good. Right this way. Good luck at the table tonight, you two. I shall fetch you both a drink forthwith." 

He left, and then you saw him... Damien. He was talking with the Detective, but you didn't hear what about. You just had your eyes glued onto Damien. Then, he looked at you. 

"Oh! There you are, (y/n). How are you and Sean settling into your new offices?" 
"Good," you and Jack answered. 
"Now, I know it'll take some getting used to, but there's no one I'd rather have alongside me to protect this great city of ours. Now, I'll see you at the table soon, (y/n), but try not to rob me blind again. We'll catch up." 

Him reminding you of that... You remembered that night. You were both drunk and not knowing what you were doing. The next morning, you brought back the things and laughed about it with him. You then decided to look around and gaze at everything. You entered the dining room, only to be met by the chef. 

"If you're looking for hor d'oeuvres, I'll get 'em when I'm good and ready!" he yelled. "And stay out of my kitchen!!"
"Now, now, let's not be rude to our guest." 

You stepped away from the dining room and walked up to the butler. 

"So sorry about that. Here's your champagne. Enjoy your evening." 

He handed you a glass and walked off. Then, you heard Mark's voice. He began to descend down the staircase, wearing a silk, red robe. 

"Welcome, welcome, one and all! My name is Markiplier. And thank you for joining me on this auspicious evening. So good to be surrounded by such close and trusted friends. Now, this evening isn't all about the poker. It's not all about me. It's about you. So drink up and be merry! Life is for the living! And who knows? I could be dead tomorrow." 

He began laughing, but that kind made you have chills. However, you just drank your champagne, but began to feel a little woozy. You had blurred memories of that night. The guys playing poker, Jack getting majorly drunk, the detective wearing some kind of weird head wear, the boys playing beer pong, even Damien doing a keg stand! The last thing you remembered was going to sleep around 1:30 that night. 

The next morning, you woke up to the sound of an alarm with a major hangover... You hadn't drank like that in years. You shrugged it off and put on the silky, pink robe that Mark had provided for you that night before all the drinking went on... Then you exited your room. The butler met you at the door. 

"Ah, good morning. Hope you've had a good night's rest. I've prepared for you a seltzer with cocaine. Best thing for the morning after, if you ask me." 

Did you hear right or did he say cocaine?! You just decided to set the drink down and not take any chances. Once the butler moved from his spot, you saw Damien and smiled. He looked over and grinned. 

"Ah, there's our little monster," he smiled. "You really knocked 'em dead last night. I haven't seen you go wild like that since our days at university. Good to let the beast out once and while, eh, (y/n)? Then again, I'm- I'm still not exactly sure as to what we're supposed to be celebrating here." 
"Me either," you replied.
"I mean, it's good to have the gang back together, but... out of the blue like this seems... Anyway, now is not the time to become conspiratorial. Life is ours to choose, as I always say. I have some work to finish, but I'll meet you at breakfast. We'll catch up soon." 

He then left, and you descended down the stairs, wanting to roam around. You passed the suit of armor and went into the living room. Suddenly, a body fell in front of you and a struck of lightning sounded. It was Mark's body!!! You screamed in fear, alerting the rest of the manor. The detective came in first.

"Did anyone hear that lightning- OH MY GOD! THERE'S BEEN A MURDER!!" 

Lightning sounded again. The butler came in next. 

"Excuse me, did you hear that light- OH MY GOD MURDER!" 

Lightning went off for a third time, and the chef walked in. 

"Did you-? MUUURDER!!" 

A fourth struck went off. Jack ran in and almost fainted.

"What the hell happened here," the detective growled at you. "Who's in charge around here?! Trick question, that guy! And he's dead now, which makes ME in charge. So you better listen up good, missy. 'Case you haven't been paying attention, there's been a bit of a... killin'." 

The others looked around for lightning. None struck.

"And you're my prime suspect! So you better get to explaining right quick as to the what, where, when and why you happen to be here upon this man's death!" 

Jack stood in front of you in your defense.

"She couldn't've done this," Jack growled at him. "All of us were drunk last night! I was with her for tha' majority of last night!"

Then, the butler stood up from the body. 

"Well, sir," he began. "The body is cold. He's been dead a while. And the mayor and I saw (y/n) this morning. There was no way it could've been her." 
"A likely story," the detective chuckled. "That I happen to believe completely. All right, you're off the hook, FOR NOW, but I'm a detective, and-"
"Oh yeah?" the chef interrupted. "Prove you're a real dick!" 

The detective pulled out a badge. 

"Here's my badge, asshole!" 

A photo collage fell, showing several pictures. The detective quickly scooped them back up and told you that they were of his past partners. But what you were really concerned about was who the killer may be... 

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