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(Damien's POV)

I made my way to check on her again. As I walked in, I saw her shifting a little. She had been sleeping for a few hours, so I decided it was time to get her up. As much as I loved seeing her at peace, she's found out much more than the detective and Colonel put together. She might just figure this out herself. And possibly with Sean's help...

"(Y/n)??" I began, shaking her lightly.

She groaned irritably, making me laugh.

"You've been asleep for a while."
"But I was having a good dream," she whined.

I smiled and chuckled.

"Well, what did I do?"
"You and I went dancing," she smiled. "It was a Spanish song and I was making you blush as I danced. Then, we left and had time to ourselves, if you know what I mean."

(And no, not sex, you dirty minded people 😂)

"Would you like to make that a dream come true? Besides the dancing," I smirked.
"You sly bastard," she grinned.

I smiled at the comment.

"Thank you."

I kissed her lightly first. Then, I trailed from her mouth to her cheek and down to her shoulders, then her clavicle (look it up). She gasped lightly as I began to kiss her neck.

"Did I make you a little aroused, dear?"

She just chuckled and let me continue...

(Your POV)

You loved this. You had been waiting for this for forever. You and Damien were finally together. Maybe at a bad time, but still.
As Damien began to kiss on you more, he trailed back up to your neck. Soon enough, he found your sweet spot.

"Mmm," you moaned.
"I had a good feeling that would be the place," Damien chuckled lightly.

You felt your face getting hotter as time went along. He kept kissing you right there, but soon let up. He looked deep into your eyes with a sweet smile on his face.

"I love you, (y/n)," he smiled.
"I love you too, Damien," you panted.

After a few more minutes, you both stopped and gave yourselves a breather, then you left the room to find the others.

(Murderer's POV)

She'll soon be mine. I was already livid enough that she chose Damien as her lover. But it was understandable, with them being in love since grade school.
Now would be right time to take her. When it's only her and Damien in the manor... And I had a good plan for it too.
I would get her all to myself, then use a voice modulator to make sure she didn't know who I was. Then, I would do what I wished with her. If the others did find us, I had a secret escape route to the grounds and could leave without a trace. Let's see if they can find me then... 

(Damien's POV)

No one else was in the manor. It was the two of us. We assumed the others were outside. As we were walking, we heard a click. We both froze, until (y/n) hell through a trap door in the floor!!

"(Y/N)!!!" I shouted.

The door closed. I ran outside to find the chef, butler, Sean, and the Colonel conversing.

"We have to find her," I demanded.
"Whoa," the Colonel began. "What the bloody hell happened?!"
"There was a trap door and (y/n) fell through!!"
"What?!" All four gasped.
"Let's find her! Now! Before that bastard can hurt her!"

(Your POV)

You found yourself in a dark room. You had been knocked out moments before with a chemical of some sort. Chloroform was your best guess.
But right now, you were scared. Whoever had you tied up and laid you on a bed, chest down. You hoped that nothing of... that sort happened to you.
Then, you heard footsteps.

"Ah, (y/n)," the voice began. "Dear (y/n)..."

You couldn't recognize the voice, but it did sound like they were using a voice modulator. And it was definitely a male. But your captor interrupted your thinking when you felt his hand on your thigh. You squirmed, only to hear him chuckle.

"You know, (y/n), doing that will only provoke me to do worse to you..."

You froze. What was this man about to do to you?
You felt him get on the bed and begin making circles with his thumbs into your lower back. You couldn't help but try and get out of his grasp.

"Fine," the man began. "If you won't cooperate, then I'll have to show you what happens when you don't listen."

You heard the crack of a whip, which scared your very soul. You wanted Damien so badly...


You tried to scream as the whip was brought down on your back. However, the tape over your mouth made that almost impossible.
You felt the blood already rushing down your back and soaking your nightgown. After about twenty lashes, your captor felt like it was enough.

"What a waste to destroy such a beautiful body," he sighed. 

He finally left. You just wanted to die, right there and now. But you kept thinking of Damien and that he would find you, hence the tracker still being on you. Just as you thought of that, you heard several footsteps. More than likely, it was them. 

"Hurry! There's no time to lose!" you heard Damien say. 

You saw a door open. The group gasped as they saw your condition. 

"OH MY GOD!!" Damien gasped. "(Y/N)!!!" 

They all ran to you, Damien getting there first. He quickly untied you and you clung to him. He and Jack stated by you.

"Shhh," he shushed, trying to soothe you. "I'm here now, it's okay... Everything will be alright..."

He accidentally touched your back, making you groan. 

"Whoa, what's wrong," he asked. 

He looked at your back and froze. 

"Oh dear God," he gasped. "I'm so sorry, (y/n). I won't ever let that bastard hurt you again... I promise." 

He took you back up to the first floor of the manor, where you bumped into the detective. 

"Where the bloody hell have you been," the Colonel demanded angrily. 
"I was searching for more clues!" 
"Well, while you were gone, (y/n) got taken by the murderer and he hurt her!" 
"What?! Where's that bastard now!?" 
"We don't have the answer to that... yet." 
"No man has the right to touch a woman like that, or hurt one. That bastard will pay for what he's done!" 

Why was the detective being so protective over you? You hoped that he wasn't in love with you as well. You didn't want to break his heart by saying you were with Damien. But, right now, you just wanted to stay in Damien's arms... 

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