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(Your POV)

The Colonel began to lead you outside. He continued with what he was saying. You saw that Jack was spying, just in case something happened. You felt safer with him doing so.

"Somewhere, far, far away from the prying eyes of, uh, anyone else."

He was beginning to appeal very creepy to you. But, nonetheless, you kept listening. He motioned you outside.

"Come with me..."

You both stepped outside.

"Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but... you and the Mayor know each other, right? He's a good man, that one. We've been fast friends for as long as I can remember. Now, there came a time when I could have said the same about Mark, but... Well, best not to speak ill of the dead. Oh! The pool hasn't aged a day!"

Suddenly, the Colonel was a in a striped swimsuit and jumped in. What was that all about? Then, you saw Damien. Colonel must be still mad at him...

"Have you found anything?"

You shook your head.

"Well, nonetheless, I need to apologize to the Colonel. Have you seen him?"

You lied and said no.

"Well, if you do see him, let me know."

Then, he walked away. Not before planting a kiss on your forehead. Then, the Colonel was back in his attire and right in front of you.

"Oh, life needs a bit of madness, eh, chap? Now, what were we talking about?... Oh, yes! The grisly business inside. Well, I'm sure I'm not the first to say that our host had a great deal of enemies as of late. My prying eye might suspect that the people who worked for him might have reason to stab him in the back. God knows he's a tough sonovabitch to work for."

Then, the Colonel looked at the golf course.

"Oh, the old golf course! I-I'll fetch my clubs!"

He then ran out onto the course. Damien was by you again.

"Colonel!? Damn... I thought I heard him. No matter. Would you accompany me, dear?"

You walked back up to the patio with him as he began speaking. He said he knew you were still accompanying the detective. However, he didn't get onto you for it.

"I have to bring some concerns of mine to the forefront. If we look at the situation logically, we can only assume that the killer who struck down on our dear friend Mark was with us last night. And while I would stake my life on the innocence of the Colonel, Sean, or yourself, can we really say the same of our belovéd detective? Or worse yet, mayhaps our counting skills aren't as good as we assume them to be. And mayhaps... In the shadows of this manor, unseen to any of us, lay hidden... a murderer."


The lightning was on cue... Suddenly, there was a gunshot, scaring you both. You ran inside, only to see the Colonel and detective holding gunpoint on each other.

"I don't know what you're playing at," the detective growled. "But you better lower your weapon, murderer!!"

Lightning shook the manor.

"I bloody well won't, you're the one who assaulted me," the Colonel replied. "For all I know, you could be the murderer!"

Once again.

"What the f- whoa!!" The chef exclaimed, stopping in his tracks after seeing the guns.
"Last chance, drop your weapon," the detective demanded.

For some odd reason, the butler was only worried about a vase that'd be broken.

"Everyone, please," Damien began. "I know we're all on edge, but can't we resolve this amicably?!"
"ON EDGE?!" the detective exclaimed. "This PYSCHO tried to SHOOT ME!!"
"That's a bold-faced lie," the Colonel replied. "I was merely doing some light target practice!"
"Inside," the butler gasped.
"Well, yes! I couldn't go on the grounds with that bloody chef in my way, could I?!"
"You're damn right," the chef growled. "You should've remembered that, Private! Besides, you're not my boss anymore!"
"It's Colonel, now..."
"Enough of this horseshit," the detective yelled. "You knew I was onto you and you were trying to whack me off before I could finger you!!"

That didn't sound right...

"As the murder," he finished at lighting struck.
"I will not be called a murderer in my own home!!"

You had to do something now, before this got out of hand.

"STOP!!" you shouted, getting in between them. "What are you doing?!"
"Move, (y/n)," the Colonel demanded.
"No! You're friends! You need to stop this and help each other to find the killer!!"

The two processed what you said and both lowered there weapons. You saw them giving each other a glare, but both said nothing to each other.

"You are absolutely right, (y/n)," the detective sighed. "I don't need to waste my time with this asshole when I need to be catching the... killer."
"Precisely," the Colonel agreed.

Suddenly, you got woozy. You began to fall, scaring everyone. Jack caught you, but the others were severely alerted.

"What's wrong," the Colonel asked frantically. "If she alright?!"
"All this gun excitement must have caused her to swoon," the butler replied.
"Exactly," Jack agreed. "She can be very faint at heart when it comes to strong conflict such as this..."

Damien offered to take you from Jack. He let him.

"C'mon, (y/n), dear," Damien began. "Let's get you to bed. You need to rest."

Damien picked you up, knowing you couldn't walk. He took you to his room and laid you down, then pulled up a cover over you. He ran his fingers through your hair, making you smile. He smiled back.

"I'll be right here if you need me," he began. "You still have your tracker, correct?"

You nodded.

"Good. Now rest, my dear. I'll wake you after while."

You did so, lastly thinking of him...

(Damien's POV)

Those damned fools... I should've stopped them myself. Had I done so, (y/n) wouldn't have swooned and be as weak as she is now.

"We're both terribly sorry about that, Damien," the Colonel apologized. "We had no intention of making her swoon."
"It's called don't assume and get your facts straight before doing anything like that next time."
"Is she okay?"
"Yes. She's resting. I'm the only one to enter the room, got it? I don't want her to stress more than she is already."
"Alright. But keep us updated, would you?"
"Of course."

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