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(Jack's POV) 

It's been three days since this all went down. I was sittin' in a hospital bed. Apparently, I'd gotten really hurt an' hadn't realized until after my adrenaline went down. I was skimmin' through the channels. There was really nothin' tuh' watch, so I just watched tha' news channel, hopin' and prayin' that a miracle would happen and that Damien and (y/n) would be alive... 
I could still remember the day I met them... 


Twenty years ago... 

My mother had brought me over to a friend's house, and I was supposed tuh' meet the kids there. To my surprise, there was also a little girl. I asked her name, and told her mine. We became instant friends then. 

"Come with me," she smiled. "I wanna let you meet the others." 
"Others?" I asked. "I thought there was only one kid." 
"No, silly. Damien's mom is watching her friends' kids for the weekend while their parents are away." 
"What about you?" 
"Mine are with them." 
"Oh! Okay!" 

She lead me over tuh' four kids. One was climbin' a tree carelessly with a pair of plastic money glasses on, another wearin' a safari cap, another with a detective hat, and tha' last one with his hair tucked back an' styled with hair gel. They all looked up from what they were doin' and smiled at us. 

"C'mon, Jack," (y/n) smiled. "They won't bite." 

She took me over to them and the first to greet me was the styled-hair kid. 

"Guys," she began. "This is Jack." 
"Hi," he smiled. "My name is Damien!"

Next was the safari kid. 

"I'm William, but you can call me Will." 
"And I'm Abe," the detective kid grinned. 

Just then, we heard a groan of pain. I looked to see the careless kid on the ground with a scraped knee. 

"What've you done now, Mark?" Damien sighed, walking over. 
"I fell out of the stupid tree," Mark sighed. "Ow..." 
"I'll go get the first aid kit..." Damien groaned. 

As he walked off, he looked at me with a confused face. 

"Is he a new kid," he asked. 
"Yeah," (y/n) replied. "His name is Jack." 
"Oh," he smiled. "Well, my name is Mark!" 

After a while, we got tuh' really know each other. I figured out that Mark could actually play the guitar really well. I figured out Damien was captain of the debate team, which wasn't that surprising. Him and Mark had argued for a half an hour over why he shouldn't have been climbin' tha' tree in the first place. 
Anyway, I figured out that William had actually gone to the jungle before with his parents. I didn't learn much about Abe though... But, to be honest, he did seem like a shy, secretive type... But that day, I made best friends that lasted the next twenty years of my life. 


I was suddenly interrupted by a news report. 


I thought it was too good to be true. Just as I thought about getting up, I saw them rush in two people on gurneys into my room. They quickly got them onto the two other beds in my room and got to work. It was Damien and (y/n). 

(Your POV)

Four days later...

You began to wake up, feeling very woozy. As you sat up, you noticed your new surroundings. You were in a hospital. You looked around, to see Damien asleep, but Jack was staring at you from across the room! He was okay! 

"(Y/n)!" Jack gasped, getting out of his chair. 

He ran over to you and hugged you tightly, and you did the same thing. You were just so happy that he was okay. 

"Thank God yer okay," he sniffled. "I thought I lost you..." 
"Me too," you replied. 

And from that moment on, everything was okay. No more fights, no more death, no more fires, and no more demons to worry about. Well, except your own. But that's besides the point. The point was, you could finally be happy with Damien... 

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