Love Heals

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(Damien's POV)

I was sitting next to (y/n)'s hospital bed, waiting for her to wake up. The doctors had told me that she lost almost 20% of her blood. That was a dangerous amount to lose. They said from all the trauma and energy she lost during the fight that she would have to be here for at least two weeks. Sean came in every day to check on her.

"How is she today," he asked.
"Same as yesterday, Sean," I sighed. "Still in a coma and still hurt..."
"I'm really sorry, Damien."
"For what? It was my fault. I was stupid enough to just stand there while she fought Wilfred."
"Well, I was too. It was my fault as well."

I just sighed. I wanted (y/n) to wake up so we could just be together with nothing to worry about. And for the next week, I waited...


I jumped and looked over to see (y/n) moving around a little.


Her eyes fluttered open, and then she looked over at me.


I smiled and hugged her tightly, being careful of her injuries. She lightly hugged me back.

"Thank God you're awake," I smiled.
"Yeah, thanks to you and Jack," she replied.
"Sean, whatever. He gave me a blood transplant. Since he has O blood, he's a universal donor."
"Oh. Why do you call him Jack, may I ask?"
"It's a nickname he's stuck with. And it's part of his YouTube name, Jacksepticeye."

Within a few hours, (y/n) was able to go home. It was confirmed that Abe and Willia- I mean, Wilfred were both in jail, so it was safe for us to go back to the manor. Upon arrival, we were met by the butler.

"It is good to see you both again," he smiled.
"You too," (y/n) replied, making the butler smile.

We walked upstairs to my room and just sat down. When you barely rest, going in and out, for three weeks, you get really tired. (Y/n) understood and decided to let me sleep.

"I want you to lay with me," I started. "Please?"

She sighed, then smiled. As she laid down next to me, I put my arm over her. I could see her smile.

"You're not sly," she giggled. "I saw that coming from a mile away."

I just laughed. After a few minutes, we finally fell asleep.

(Your POV)

You and Damien were asleep, but you began to have a nightmare. You, the Colonel, and the detective were fighting in a burning building. You were pinned, and Damien came to help. But before he could, the Colonel pushed him into the biggest patch of flames.

Then you woke up, screaming Damien's name and hyperventilating. He jumped, having heard you. Had it not been for a nightstand beside him, he would've fallen off the bed.

"(Y/n)?! What's wrong!?"

He looked into your eyes and saw fear. He pieced it together and figured out it was a nightmare. He wrapped his arms around you and began to rub circles into your back, eventually calming you down.

"Now," he began softly. "What was the dream?"

You explained the dream shakily, still trying to shake off the fear you had moments before.

"That wouldn't be likely," Damien sighed, smiling. "First of all, how would they even get out of they were in two different prisons?"

Well, as soon as he asked that, a news report can't on the TV. It said:

Wilfred Warfstache, otherwise known as the Colonel or William, and Detective Abe escape from prison.
Warfstache escaped first and freed Abe at another prison, not far away.

You just looked at Damien. He just chuckled nervously.

"You just had to jinx it, didn't you?" You asked.
"As if I knew that EXACT report was about to happen," he argued while smiling. "Besides, I'll make sure that doesn't happen. Why would we go into a blazing fire?"

Just then, you saw the cameraman's camera get taken from him by Warfstache. He took it up, flying to a certain place of a building.

"If the mayor and (y/n) are watching, listen up!" He started. "You and I have something to straighten out. So, as you can see, we are at the Manon Hotel. And I will warn police not to come unless you want someone hurt. But back to you two, if you ever want to see your precious Jack again, you'll come here and fight me once and for all!!"

He then zoomed in on Jack, who was tied to a pole up at the very top. You knew it must be hell for him, because first of all, he's afraid of heights. Two, he can't do anything to save himself or anyone else. Three, he had been taken by the two men that he had come to despise most, since Warfstache killed your parents and they (Warfstache and Abe) both killed his best friend.

"Don't keep us waiting," Warfstache smiled.

He then lit a match and threw it inside the building, starting a fire. You began to leave, but Damien grabbed your arm.

"Damien," you began. "I have to do something! Jack could die if we don't get there it time!"
"I'm going with you!"
"No! I'm not having you die for me!"

You snatched your arm away from him and demanded he stay there. You finally had to tell the butler that if he wanted Damien to stay alive, he and the Chef must keep him here. He agreed, giving you time to get away. The only thing on your mind was that you had to save Jack...

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