A Precious Christmas Gift...

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Five years later...

(Your POV) 

It was only a little over a week until Christmas. You had taken a test three days previous and went  to check on the results... There were two lines. You couldn't believe it! You were pregnant! Oh, how Jack and Damien would react... 
This Christmas, since you and Damien were married, your families would come to the manor. There was enough space for everyone. From Damien's family, it would be his parents, his oldest brother, Thomas, and his three cousins. From yours, it would be your parents, your older sister, a couple of aunts and uncles, and a few of your cousins. 
But, you decided to keep the pregnancy a secret and give the test to Damien as a gift. You couldn't let him know just yet. You would get two gifts; one for him and one for Jack that would tell them something's up before giving Damien the test. 
You decided on getting Damien a "#1 Dad" mug with the test inside the box as well. Jack would get a Godfather mug, since that's who you wanted to be the baby's godfather. You knew they'd love them. But it was going to be really hard to keep this a secret. 

A week later...
(Damien's POV) 

Now, it was Christmas Eve. (Y/n) has been acting weird lately... I wonder why. Maybe she was trying to keep a secret of some kind... I don't know. Anyway, my family and hers were here already and were already getting along. So was Jack. 
I just hoped that whatever it is that she's hiding is good. I mean, it's already hilarious to watch her try and not slip up. But it came to a point that I was really wondering what was so serious to keep secret from me. I guess I'd have to wait until tomorrow... 

The next day... 

Me and (y/n) woke up to the sound of our teenage cousins yelling it was Christmas. That was usual... We both got up and got dressed in our best attire. I wore a clean, black suit, with a candy cane tie. (Y/n) wore a beautiful red dress with white fluff around the neck and hem. 

"You look gorgeous, (y/n)," I smiled. 
"Thank you," she smiled back. "And you look handsome as ever." 

I grinned as we began to walk down the stairs, into the living room. The chef made coffee for the adults and hot chocolate for the younger kids and teenage cousins we had. I could see that (y/n) was anxious as ever. Let's see what she finally had in store for us today...
After all the kids and the rest of our family got finished with their drinks and gifts, (y/n) pulled two more from under the tree. They were addressed to me and Jack. 

"Surprise gifts, I see," I grinned deviously. "Are these what you were so anxious about?" 

She nodded. 

"Just open them, Jack first," she replied. 

Jack opened his, and it was a "Godfather" mug. 

"I like it," he smiled. "How did you know I like the movie?" 
"It's not from the movie," (y/n) smiled. "Open yours, hon." 

I opened it and my heart stopped. It was a positive pregnancy test and a #1 Dad mug. She was pregnant! That's why it was so hard for her to keep the secret! I could feel the tears of joy coming to my eyes. 

"Baby, are you okay?" (y/n) asked. 
"Okay? I'm so happy right now!" I replied. "We're going to have a child!" 

Our families went up in joyful uproar. There were many questions asked. This has to be the best Christmas I've ever had. But, now we just had to wait for the baby to arrive... 

9 months later...

I was waiting impatiently outside the delivery room. We had decided to keep the gender a secret, even from ourselves. Only Jack and our parents knew. That way, the baby would have some clothes before being born. 
I began to bite my nails out of anxiety, until I heard the sound of a baby cry. After a minute, a nurse came to get me. I rushed into the room, where I saw (y/n) holding our child and smiling. And it was a boy... I was so happy. 

"What are we going to name him?" I asked. 

I was taken aback. She was naming him after our fallen comrade... It was kind of like a dedication. I couldn't have agreed more on the name. 

"I chose the name because Mark was our best friend," she smiled. "Don't you think it suits him?" 
"It really does," I grinned, trying to hold back tears of joy. 

Just then, we saw Jack come through the door. He was fangirling, wanting to hold the baby. 

"What's his name," Jack asked. 
"I named him after Mark," (y/n) replied. 
"Aw, now that's a perfect name fer this boy... But trust me, I will spoil this child like no other." 
"We know that, Jack. You've told us a million times you would spoil our child." 

I looked at (y/n). 

"This was truly worth the wait," I smiled. "Now we can be a family..." 


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