Dangerous Demons

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(Your POV)

You raced to the hotel, hoping to get there in time. About two minutes later, you saw the flames. You saw firefighters already trying to put it out. You ran past them and began getting to the top. Unfortunately, Warfstache and Abe stopped you midway.

"Finally," he scoffed. "I thought the place would've burned to the ground by the time you got here."

You summoned your demon form and made a fight stance. You, Warfstache, and Abe began fighting each other.

"Are you ready to end this, (y/n)?" Warfstache grinned madly.
"I'm ready to rip you to shreds..."

(Damien's POV)

I finally got passed my damned butler and chef and bolted out the door, turning into Dark as I left. My speed increased, since I was much faster in demon form. I got to the hotel within only a minute.
I could hear the fighting in the middle of the building and saw Jack still on top. If I were to take down Warfstache once and for all, I would need his and (y/n)'s help.
I jumped to the top, having super jump as well, and freed Jack.

"We need tuh' get to (y/n) before she gets hurt!!" Jack cried.

I agreed and we made our way to the middle of the building. 

(Your POV) 

You could barely stand the fumes anymore. They were clogging up your brain, making it difficult to think of your next move. This gave Warfstache more power to defeat you. 
In a split second, you saw a large post begin to crumble. You tried to run, but it fell on top of you. You finally realized... this was exactly like your dream. You saw Damien, in his demon form, from afar. You couldn't let this happen. 
You used almost half of your strength to blow the pieces off and stared at Wilfred with bloodlust in your eyes. You felt the adrenaline going through your veins. The smoke didn't even matter any more. You just wanted him dead. 
So, you ran at him with intentions of killing him. He was able to keep his own for a minute or two, until he realized how strong you were. He looked scared. 

'Oh, you better be scared,' you thought. 

You went to strike, but Warfstache cut you deep with a knife he had pulled out. You retracted, but not for long. You were becoming too dangerous for him, and he knew that all too well. 
Suddenly, he pulled out a long, pink, laser-looking rope. Without warning, he snapped it around your wrist. You felt jolts of electricity go through you. And it was getting to be too much to handle. 

(Damien's POV) 

I heard a blood-chilling scream and a loud crackle of electricity go off. I looked behind me to see (y/n) being electrocuted by Warfstache. I tackled him, leaving Jack to deal with the detective. I knew he could handle it. But, I had to save (y/n). 

"STOP IT," I yelled. 

I punched him hard in the gut, making him drop the rope. (Y/n) got up slowly and had wide eyes. She started running towards me, confusing me. That's when I saw Warfstache get up and get ready to push me into the flames. But, just in time, (y/n) pushed me out of the way and got pushed in herself... 

"NOOOOOOOO!!" I screamed, fighting Warfstache as fast and powerful as I could. 

This man just made his final mistake. 
I made lightning-fast strikes, weakening him majorly by the second. And to finish it off, I created a ball of red, flaming aura and shot it through the place where his heart should be. Then, the building began to shake. He fell, and I ran through the flames to find (y/n). 
It took a minute, but I found her. Unfortunately, she was almost covered in large pieces of rubble. I had a choice: Try and free her, but possibly die OR... I could save myself and leave her there. I chose the first one. I would rather die than be in a world without her. 

The building began shaking more violently and both me and (y/n) fell from the sixth to the second floor. I heard a sound-defying CRACK and more rubble came crashing down. If this is how I die, so be it... 

(Jack's POV) 

Where tha' hell was Damien and (y/n)?! I'd ran out already, after defeating the detective, and was trying to find them. Suddenly, I saw the building collapse. I froze when I couldn't see them. I had a sudden realization...

They had been inside. 

I rushed past the firefighters and policemen, searching through the rubble for them. It took a few minutes, but I found a hand. Unfortunately, it was a dead Warfstache. There was absolutely no sign of Damien or (y/n)... I lost them... 

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