Bringing Out The Demon (Part 1)

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(Art belongs to Monakaliza)

(Damien's POV)

(Y/n) and I got ready for court, where we would find out what would happen to Abe and William. We would meet Sean there. As we got in the car, I saw (y/n) looking a little nervous. 

"Are you alright?" 
"What's the matter?"
"I'm nervous..."
"Don't be nervous. Sean and I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

She smiled lightly, but still didn't look convinced.

"Look, if it makes you feel any better, I'll answer mostly everything. They will ask you a couple of questions, though, that I can't answer for you." 

She looked a little more at peace. And a little was okay for me. As we stopped at the courthouse, I saw her just stare at it. 

"Everything will be fine, (y/n)," I said, trying to soothe her. "Let's go." 

After we were seated, I saw some guards bring in William and Abe. They gave me a nasty look, which I shot right back. They sat down and we stood for the judge. 

"You may be seated," he said. "Now, the following charges are placed on Detective Abe: attempted rape, battery, two counts of kidnapping, a count of second degree murder, and attempted murder.
And for Colonel William: two counts of kidnapping, a second degree murder, rape, battery, and abuse. Are these correct, Mayor Damien?" 
"Yes, sir," I replied.
"Which counts go to which person?"
"Well, for us both, it was kidnapping. My good friend Mark was the one killed, and (y/n) has all the other counts."
"So you're saying the rest was done to her?"
"Yes, unfortunately."
"Alright... But what provoked everything to happen."
"Mark's death, sir. It lead to an investigation, that Abe had started. At that point, we had no idea he was the murderer. He had been trying to pin that on one of us."
"Go on."
"Once (y/n) found more and more clues, he must've decided that she was becoming too close to solving the murder. So, he had kidnapped her. And in that same doing, I have a great feeling that Abe had a slight romantic liking to her. And since she had refused to do anything with him, he... gave her lashes."

The court and jury gasped.

"Excuse me?"
"Yes, I know it sounds like it's unbelievable. But..."

(Y/n) stood up and turned around, allowing me to raise her shirt to show the scars. I heard the jury and courtroom gasp again.

"Oh my... Anyway, continue on..."
"Well, after that, he escaped before we could find them. We figured out in due time that it was him."
"And that the Colonel was an accomplice?"
"Yes, sir."

(Your POV)

You saw William smile deviously. What was he planning?

"May I say something, your honor?" He asked.
"Go on."
"You do have to take into consideration that the mayor, the mayor himself, has a darkside. As well as Detective McLoughlin."

Damien and Jack gasped. Darksiders, as they were called, had to be controlled or the body that both the Darksider and the host had would be separated. Then, the darkside would be placed in a mental hospital.
You had one that no one knew about. Not even Damien. It was called (insert demon name here). You prayed to God that no one would provoke it. Yours was too dangerous.

"But I do keep it under control, your honor," Damien replied hesitantly. "You know that."
"Same here," Jack said.
"Yes, I do know that, Damien," the judge smiled. "I've seen them both before, William. That will do you no good in this."
"Oh? Then maybe this will!!"

He grabbed you by the hair before the guards could stop him and slammed your head into the desk. It almost knocked you out, but not quite. You did feel blood running down your forehead though.
You saw Damien's corneas glow red as the rest of his eye turned black. His skin turned a light gray color, and the top part of his hair turned red. Horns grew on his head. Jack's left eye was black with a blue cornea, and his other green with a blue cornea as well. They both stared at the Colonel with hatred and anger.

"Don't you DARE touch her again if you value your life, William," he growled.
"Oh... About that... Call me Wilfred Warfstache."

His mustache and hair turned pink. You remembered him... He was the man who murdered your parents when you were young!! You felt your darkside coming out.
Jack and Damien watched as black aura surrounded you. Most of the courtroom had exited by now. That was good, because this was about to get messy.
Damien, Jack, and I lined up and watched Wilfred pull out a golden gun in his defense. You remembered that gun. It was the very one that was used to kill your parents. You were ready to kill this bastard...

(Jack's POV)

This was about tuh' be a hell of a fight. Damien, (y/n), and I were now in demon form. But from what I've heard, (y/n)'s demon is the most dangerous. Just then, we saw Warfstache smirk.

"What're ya smirkin' for," I growled at him. 
"Oh, nothing," Wilfred replied, looking over his gun. "Just thinking about the faces (y/n)'s parents made before I shot them with this very gun." 
"YOU WHAT?!" Damien yelled angrily. 
"YOU'RE the one who killed her parents," I gasped. "Oh, when I get my hands on you..." 

It was time for the fight to begin... 

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